j3DiKNiGHtDAVE's comments

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Take it from me, and my 5,000 hours plus, in the world of Destiny.

DON'T BUY IN TO ANY OF THE EXTRAS!... If there is 1 thing I've learned in my journeys is to...

1. Always buy the BIG expansion (usually in September, this year, Nov 10th)


2. NEVER BUY IN TO THEIR QUARTERLY "SEASONS" (season passes) While there has been a couple or few... Okay ones, Their usually shit (Unless your a "Completionist" that HAS to fill the lore book or something, or can get the annual pass (all 4 seasons) for a deep discount, just watch review videos, and make up your own mind. (I think you can still buy the seasons separately)

I personally got "Shadowkeep + annual pass" last year, during "Black Friday" for $17 bucks (down from like $70 at the time) So for me , it was worth it, to buy in to the full year of content. I was especially happy, when i stopped playing, during that terrible "rebuild the lighthouse for PvP players" shit season (this is what i mean about being careful on buying in to their shit seasons, sight unseen, you might not like what you get)

Luckily for me, since i saved during "BF" last year, i only lost like $3.50 for that season i didn't really play.

And keep in mind, if you have patience, "Black Friday" is only like 2 weeks after the release of "Beyond Light" and while we DON'T know, yet if its going to be discounted, You may want to wait, if your planning on playing D2 for the foreseeable future, and would like to save some bucks.

XBOX players with Game Pass have it BEST this year... Not only did XBOX recently make the last expansion available for them at no extra cost, They also get the next expansion Beyond Light included.

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Edited By j3DiKNiGHtDAVE

@just1mohr said:

And we need to start a movement not to be force fed subject matter that we are sick & tired of hearing about from the SJW crew & corps. Stop pandering & pushing your ideologies & agendas on us as many of us won't support or tolerate it anymore. We are all equal & yet the way society is we are not equal at the same time (black, brown or white) as much as you would like to think we are.

Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, dignity & fairness, the problem is if you act like an angry thug or criminal many people will be repulsed by you. I have met black people who are simply awesome & white people who are scum, and I judged them based on their behaviors and attitudes. Those that repulsed me I simply stayed away from.


lol alot of deleted comments. None really deserving of being deleted. Another reason why i hate gamespot and the f'n media. Last i'll say or read of this.

Agreed to your comment

*** NOTE ***

To the shitty MODs of these articles, that delete comments, that contain absolutely no racism or bad will towards anyone, but got deleted anyways...

You can't have these type of articles (especially right now) without people expressing their opinions, and discussing a topic in the article. (unless you make a "UPVOTE" article lol. If the comments aren't breaking any rules, don't delete shit, or get someone better at Moderating the f'n articles... I won't be surprised if this is deleted too, jesus...

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@Barighm said:

@j3diknightdave: Starfield and lower market games, yes. The big boys? Well, if you read the entire interview with Spencer, you'll see his is still cagey about that.

Doesn't want to deflate any hype for certain games. Think about it... If you knew for 2 years fallout wasn't going to be on the next PS, unless you were a die hard fan, chances are you would forget about said game, go onto the next AAA title


If you found out just a few months before release that it was a XBOX exclusive, suddenly your brain kicks in and has to play it... And with that, "impulse buying" was born.

Timing has a lot to do with sales, and when to go in for "the close"

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@jakesnakeel said:

@j3diknightdave: Or maybe it's because there is a legally binding contract with the studio for the ps4 exclusive games in development? Exclusivity means cash from Sony for dev. Just because a company is sold that of course doesn't mean the contracts are null and void.

It's odd that you think Phil is so brilliant? He lost the last round of console wars. This isn't a sign of brilliance

Lol i love it when people add words to someone elses opinions.

When did i ever use the word "brilliant"?... Smart guy? =/

And I'm unsure of any legality, in regards to the 2 PS exclusives upcoming but,

No one, besides the 2 agreeing companies (and now MS) know what contracts (if any) and any binding clauses in said contract are vaild or void after a sale. We don't know what agreement or contract (if any) Sony had with Bethesda, and most (including Sony) didn't see the sale coming.

Cash doesn't equal contract. Cash can be returned, cash agreement void. My guess... MS doesn't believe in the 2 games enough, and rather than creating unwanted backlash from PS fans over a commitment a former company had with another, they (MS) decided to just honor the (possibly) cash deal (commitment) with Sony.

If the 2 upcoming PS exclusives were anything to write home about, huge cash grabs, hot new iP, that definitely something MS wanted to lock down for its brand... You really think there would have been any question of "what's going to become of the upcoming PS exclusives, now that MS is in control?".... NO, people would have just said "oh yeah, THAT contract" Instead, we got a statement, sweet and to the point "MS will still honor the COMMITMENT that Bethesda had with Sony for the 2 PS exclusives"

Regardless, only time will tell if i am right, and the games are failures. But, I'm afraid we'll never know (exactly) what is said in any contract that may or may not have existed or what exact the agreement/commitment were between Sony and Bethesda (makes no difference anymore i suppose)

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Microsoft would be obsolute fools to let the more notiable ttitles end up on PS ever again. (i.e fallout series, elder scrolls, possibly starfield, and any other AAA title) MS NEEDS EXCLUSIVES! They know it, and it's fans been waiting for more reasons to be on the XBOX wagon. MS isn't going to drive away XBOX sales by offering BIG AAA titles on PS5.

Sorry PS, I can pretty much guarantee that, the fallout series / fallout 5, fallout: new vegas 2 ect. elder scrolls 6 and beyond + starfield and any other unreleased iP, that looks promising, will be XBOX exclusives from here on, out.

Phil seen the roadmap remember, he knows whats coming for the foreseeable future... Why do you think MS is allowing for those 2 PS5 games to continue with the original bethesta agreement.... Because he seen development on them, and knows they will be shit... You really think MS would release ANY game on another platform if they thought it would make 10's of millions of dollars, ahhhhh NO!

This is why PS has never seen Halo.

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Looks like the only thing "updated" is the round edges to the tiles. RIP

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Any help to Gamestop is just a HUUUUUUGGGGGGGEEEE negative to me. I ABSOLUTELY HATE Gamestop. I have had more horror stories with Gamestop & its liar employees for far too long. I boycott Gamestop until it finally dies. As for MS parntering with them...

Now i have my reason to just stick with my rig... And maybe a PS5. This for me was a final blow for XBOX. I supported them for years, alway went to bat for them, defendingg them from the haters.... No more.


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JK Simmons = Best J. Jonah Jameson EVER!!!!

Loved the inclusion of him at the end of FFH

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@Ultima_Dragoon said:

If an artist puts their art on another person's body, I don't believe they should own that art anymore. They were already paid for their work. Randy Orton owns the tattoos now. Permission to recreate the tattoos in-game lies with Randy Orton.

Your the only one in here that hit the nail, right on the head.

His tattoos aren't trademark images... Now if the images were trademark by the artist, then 2K would be up shit creek.