I know most new releases are like "OMG 1080p or 60 fps" which is annoying but seriously? These are like PS2 graphics... I know it's always gameplay over graphics but this is 2014, how can anyone expect to charge £40 for that?
Simple... Everyone's an armchair warrior. Most people wouldn't give others a world of shit if there was the chance of them getting clocked right in the face for it.
@danabo @jackzor123 the only one from Xbone I'd consider is Titanfall and the only one from PS4 I might get is Killzone. Battlefield 4 too but that's multiplatform so irrelevant
So now his personal preference of games (which is a load of shite anyway because both lineups only have 1 decent game to open with) is now Microsoft's excuse for substandard hardware? You good sir, are a complete bellend!
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