@LS-Chaos @jackzor123 Is that the one where you swim down to the crashed plane? Think I've seen that :P I was also thinking, you know that Fable glitch where you disconnect from live then turn the clocks back and when you turn it back on the companies give you millions? Couldn't you do that on this with the properties you buy?
Is this just for online money? Because tbh no matter how hard I try in the campaign, stock markets, heists and all that shit I can't seem to make any real money. I've got a couple of million but when you look at the properties that's barely anything.
Still feel that a reviewer should do their best to be impartial in terms of personal opinion. For example if a reviewer happened to be insanely obsessed with dogs I wouldn't expect them to give the new COD a 10/10 because they loved the dog... The review should be impartial in terms of personal political perspective. Not arsed about the 9 score because it's awesome just disagree with the reasoning. And just to be clear, I'm in no way trying to defend the 12 year old kids personally attacking someone because they just look like complete cunts...
@Evanrocknuma @jackzor123 I'm not saying women's rights isn't simple equality, of course it is. I'm just saying it feels like strong opinions are being put into the review and it should be impartial in my opinion. For example the IGN review was done by a woman yet they gave it a 10
I'm not sure the score is what's pissing people off I think it's more the reasons it was marked down... Reviews should be impartial and about the game itself like the graphics, voice acting, shooting, driving etc... And on that point it's a good review, but if the reviewers want to add their own opinions on modern life then they should write a separate article about the game and not do it in the review
@NTM23 He's not personally attacking her like some other people are though he's just saying he shares differing views on games that she reviews... for example I feel she might be biased towards feminism, on the other hand someone could say she offers an opposite opinion to a male reviewer... no personal insults
jackzor123's comments