Question for any of you lucky bastards that got it early... does the standard edition come with a physical map like normal?? Asking because I was looking on Game and they sell a limited edition with a physical map and was hoping the normal edition came with one too
@Saidrex @GermanBomber 3pm on the 15th of September is 10am EDT on the 15th of September. (Daylight saving taken into account)... and it doesn't go live in EDT until 3am the next day... so no, it's not available at the same time
@Apastron @jackzor123 I didn't I only meant in relation to the Last of Us specifically... There were a few articles having a go at it over this issue as soon as it came out and in the specific situation on this game then I stand by what I said
don't get the whole fuss about game this because at the end of the day nature dictates that males are generally stronger and more violent than females... So if a 14 year old girl was running around murdering adult men with bricks I feel it would be a tad less realistic. It's nature...
having to force myself to not watch the YouTube leaks!!! Dead excited for it so want to look but don't want to ruin it so can't look!!!! Having a breakdown
@jayntampa @stanknuggetz12 yeah I downloaded Uncharted 3 at home (North UK) and it took about 27 hours... but when I'm at uni (London) it takes about half that... depends where you are. Which sucks!
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