@GLOK1132 I hate the fact that the best game of the decade vote has just got everyone trashing either TES or GTA... those trashing TES, its an immense series, I prefer GTA but it's still amazing... and those trashing GTA, you know you'll be buying it in 5 days
@19James89 @davetbeau they might release it for next gen as like a classic... like they have PS2 classics on the PSN store. Definitely hope they do that
@suko1983 @jackzor123 yeah I thought the scale looked a bit weird but I googled "GTA V map vs GTA 4 map" and there were a few others that looked about the same... and considering the map is supposedly bigger than GTA 4, San Andreas and red dead combined it is probably pretty close
@suko1983 @jackzor123 I never played San Andreas and now I'm kinda glad because it seems a lot of people will constantly be comparing the two :P but this map looks sweet
@Monsterkillah @jackzor123 Yeah but it's hard to get a sense of the scale from that picture. And dead small in comparison to the rest of the map I mean :P
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