My theory is that bungie fired anyone involved with making Halo before they stated Destiny... It's a good game and I'm enjoying it but the story is woeful and the most stupid thing by far is the loot system. Absolutely ridiculous... I think once they've filled up the world with DLC and sorted out the little niggles in it it could be a very good game. But they'll make us pay for it first. Very disappointing from the developer that brought us Halo
Even if it is a Dark Souls copy, who cares?!?!?! That's like saying "my girlfriend is a copy of Kate Upton". Copy or not this game looks awesome, will be preordering.
@vsprates well... I'm an adult and I have a console. Cheaper, simpler, smaller, more practical. PC is better, but I can't stick a PC in my backpack and take it on a 6 hour train journey every month, I can with a PS4.
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