Definitely not preordering this... If it wasn't Ubisoft I probably would, but they always seem to disappoint recently. See how it is on release before handing over any cash
@lucaslla I don't know maybe it was a combination of Jason and that Citra woman but I just really hated the whole "weak guy becoming a warrior" thing that they did. Other than that I thought FC3 had some awesome characters, but felt like a lot of it was wasted (like we got to see 5 minutes of Vaas).
@verysalt @lucaslla I've never hated the character you play more than in FC3... I spent 90% of my time trying to figure out if I could turn the gun on myself
Still can't decide whether or not dragon age will be my kind of game in terms of combat. Looks like a really nice game world and a great game, but gonna wait to try it on my brother's PC before I actually buy it.
Obviously if you're looking for the reviews of the actual games, you want to go to the original reviews. He's given the experience of the collection a 6, not the individual games. And clearly no multiplayer in the halo series is like Master Chief being a pacifist... Kinda detracts from the whole thing
Not really excited for VR, but for games like this it would be perfect... Is the oculus for consoles or PC only? I know Sony have a VR headset in development but I can see that being astronomically more expensive than this
@mowens1984 @jackzor123 I genuinely can't tell if you're joking or not... I have never been into an internet cafe where they didn't serve some form of food and drink
jackzor123's comments