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PS3's keys to success

Keep online free

Improve the online capabilities to include a friend feature that you access in-game. (If you are playing a game and your friend sends you a message you can read it, respond, and get back to your game without reloading anything.)

Get Home on the market

Get the rumble controler out (hopefully by the madden release)

Obtain and keep exclusive games no matter the cost

push the envelope, be it with graphics (FFXIII), concept (LittleBigWorld), or gameplay (lair, warhawk)

Give us the killer app, Killzone 2 maybe

Give me better PSN content, I'm talking classic PS1 games that were actually popular, I didn't have a PS1 so this could be my chance to play some of these for the first time.

Steal MS's idea of linking their IMing with MSN except with AOL

Continue to pump out first party games like Jak and Daxter

Release a sequel to Resistance before Christmas 08

Steal exclusives from other consoles, no matter the cost

Stay away from hyping up gimmicky titles like nintendo does

Give us more online features, I'd like to see a synching of your friends lists in games and on PSN (like in your the friends section there would be a folder that says Resistance: Fall of Man and it would allow me to see if they were online at the time) 

Madden 08

So we don't know much yet but from what we do know I really like so far. They are focusing on improving the little things and the presentation which have been lacking severely for a few years.

There are a few things they have to fix.

1. that stupid no training camp crap has got to go

2. They have to make it the PS2 version with PS3 graphics

3. They have do something to spice up franchise mode a little more.


I love Tom Clancy books and Games. But I got to say I don't like this idea. EndWar in all liklihood will be an RTS that includes "the massive battles of WWIII." That's not what TC is all about his books and the games always focus on either a single person, (Splinter Cell) or a small group, (Rainbow Six). And these groups are providing the needed help away from the frontlines. And that is one of the fun things about the games.

That being said I do believe it could be a great RTS. I just am not too fond of it having the TC branding. It could be good as long as they don't try to tie in the other games, like sending a splinter cell to your enemy. If they do that it will add stupid features that I don't want to see. But if they approach it like an RTS and not a Tom Clancy tie-in I can see a lot of success for them. 

NCAA Football

So the first bit of info for NCAA came out and my football tooth is starting ache. The changes they have announced so far have me really excited so far.

 This is the first campus legend mode that has me even somewhat interested (this includes the same mode from madden) I can't decide if I like the idea of being able to only control one player but who knows. The motivation system seems awesome at first glance however I think it could become a thing where too many players on your team are motivated and it becomes really easy, but this seems like an easily rectified problem. The new replay system begs one question, will be able to put my videos and pics up on HOME. Now I only await the announcement of the new Dynasty features.

ISSUES: God damn you X-Box 360
I would love to see a more in depth presentation, such as SportsCenter, however I don't believe this will ever happen because disc space with the 360 probably won't allow it and EA wouldn't want to alienate the 360 fans by putting it on PS3 only. Here's to me either being wrong, or E-A to tell M-S to kiss my A-S-S.

No More 20 gig PS3

2 words - who cares. This simply makes business sense, the 20gig didn't sell why keep it around.

To those who are in the less choice for consumers = bad place, let me give you this analogy. Let's say you run a company that makes cookies. You have a recipe for a great chocolate chip cookie. You decide to sell two kinds, large and bitesized. They both are essentially the same recipie except one is scaled down some. The bite sized package is a little cheaper than the normal sized one. You ship these cookies out in a 1to1 ratio to start. Then the shipments start to become, 4to1 in favor of the large cookies and it gets worse and worse. It gets to a point where making the bitesized cookies costs almost twice as much as the money they are bringing in, after you deal with shipping, and running the machine, etc. As the manager what do you do continue to sell a product that isn't even breaking even or do you cancel it? It's a simple decision, and its exactly what sony is doing. 

Wii Hate

How the hell can a real gamer like this machine I do not get it. The only even relatively appealing thing about it is the Virtual Console. So I going to mock up some questions and give you my answeres.

--- But the Wii has awesome games.

No, no it doesn't. It has one awesome game. Zelda. Wario Ware is stupid and always has been, and Super Paper Mario is well not my can of worms. Look at the top games for the Wii here on GameSpot almost all of them are VC games I played 7+ years ago.

--- Ok what about the games that are coming?

Uninteresting is about the way I see it. Super Mario Galaxy has to be one of the stupidest looking Mario games I have ever seen. Every shooter the system gets will suck, same goes for racers and sports games. That really scales back the number of gernres that will be even decent on the system. And right now the "in" thing to do is bring 2 year old games to the wii with new controls. WTF.

--- The controler is going to change the way games are played.

Your right. Except that is a bad thing. I like the way games are played. I don't need some gimmicky **** getting in my way. And eventually all the waving around will get really dull just wait.

--- If the Wii sucks so much why is it selling so well?

That insomniac guy hit this one dead on. It is a fad. SOmething non-gamers have never seen before. It's Firby, Tickle Me Elmo, the Razor Scooter, all of these wii sales are coming from non-gamers who want to have the cool thing, they but the system and maybe a couple games then abandon it. Give it two years and the Wii will have free falled to near GameCube levels.

--- Are you Jesus?

No, no I'm not. Jesus is my cousin, I am the cousin of Jesus bow before me and feel my power.

Impressions: Fight Night Round 3

Ok this game is awesome.

I have never played a game where the people looked so much like people. So it is incredibly pretty.

Gameplay is deep and complex for a fighting game. Mapping the controls to the stick instead of the buttons make it a lot better than many fighters.

The sound track kinda sucks.

There is too much slow motion.

There are quite a few graphical errors especially when you throw big punches. Such as a fist hitting the other guys face and then coming out the other side of his face. But this is usually unavoidable at least now and then is sports games. 

GameFly 4

So the games I sent in were recieved by them on wednesday and I got my two new games Thursday. Nice.

GameFly is one of the few online services I have had no issues with, all the games I have recieved have been in perfect condition and have had an amazing expirience. If you are like me and don't want to pay 60 bucks for a game you'll play for a few weeks maybe, then GameFly is the best infestment you can make. I give it a full 11 out of 10 it is that good. Remember message me with your email address if you are going to sign up if I get five people to use my link I get a free nintendo DS. 

GameFly 3

I returned both Tony Hawk and MotorStorm on Monday and Game Fly sent out two new games today (Tuesday). This is because of some "FastReturn" thing they have where a scanner in certain post offices recognizes the game you are returning, tells gamefly and they send you the next one right away. Again I am incredibly impressed. I now have Fight Night Round 3 and Ace Combat Zero headed my way, SWEET.

Resistance Review

I honestly believe Resistance: Fall of Man to be one of the best games not only for the PS3 but ever. Ya I said ever. This may be one of the most solid FPSs you ever play. It takes the best of everything, Halo, DOOM, Medal of Honor, etc. and puts them all together in a way no game ever has before.

The game is set at about the same time as WWII except WWII never happens. Instead, you are fighting this crazy race of alien looking things, that have taken over Europe. The game is a Sci-Fi action game along the lines of Halo except the setting and a lot of the weapons retain a classic WWII feel like that of Medal of Honor, or Call of Duty. The single player game is very balanced, it's challenging but beatable. There are parts I breezed right through others where I got stuck. I don't want to give away any spoilers but the game follows a very entertaining story line so that's always a plus.

Online, this game is superior to any game I have ever played. Granted I have never played anything else extensively online, but this game is fun. The game is always expanding, last month they added two new game modes, and this month they are supposedly going to release two new maps. They have also taken a stand against cheating and glitching, and while there are still plenty of these people in the game, their numbers have fallen quite a bit in the last month or so. Granted there are still a good number of problems with the matchmaking (stacked teams vs newbs), and It is sometimes hard to play the type of ranked game you want to, (a mode called "meltdown" occurs like ten times more often than a Capture the Flag) but these sort of problems seem to be resolved rather quickly. 

Insomniac Games has put out a great effort and I am excitedly awaiting a sequel. Find me online, my name is josh215, send me a message introduce yourself, then I'll let you destroy me, OK? 

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