@Patrickbrown56 there is a voxophone, where lutece says that they were scattered across probability space. Hence their supernatural abilties. It is also the origin of Elizabeth's abilities, her pinky was in another univesre. Hence she was also spread out.
The drowning just killed all the universes in which Bioshock Infinite takes place. Ie. Comstock does not exist. All the other infinite universes where the baptism didnt happen at all, still exist. Ie. booker never had to decide on the baptism. or didnt gamble and was in debt, etc. Hence, the post credit scene.
The voxophones are key to understanding the details of the plot.
How does Elizabeth get her pows and why are there tears in Columbia?
Lutece said that the universe doesnt like its stuff mixed up (stuff from different universes in one place). And elizabeth lost her pinky finger in another universe.
Hw did Booker become Comtock? He points out how the only way to cover blood is through blood in one audio og. Or something like that.
crap, downloading the game now but the last scene, I thought the facial textures and animations Psycho were already crazy... and then they switched to the PC (High) and I was floored...
Most people didn't like the time that Microsoft spent on SmartGlass, etc; but I personally thought it was good because of the technological implications these will have. Microsoft is the only one that showed the possibilities of having all your devices connected.
They showed a good amount of hardcore games that satisfied me.
So for me Microsoft won it. (I'm also not just a gamer, but a tech geek, so that can explain why SmartGlass appealed to me)
jamvng's comments