"The documents reportedly state Xbox 720 games can be put into "suspend" and "constrained" modes, which allow players to pause a game, switch to another title, then return to the first without losing any save information."
this is great news. i frequently get the urge to stop playing a game, and then play another game for a few minutes. now i will finally be able to go back to the first game without having to turn it off!
i won't be buying any console that blocks used games..i poo on the idea. even though the only time i really buy used games is when i can't find them new in any store and don't want to wait to have it shipped
after they raised the price last time, i cancelled my subscription..i'm not paying to play multiplayer games online when other consoles and my pc let me do it for free...and i see no reason why they even had to raise the price...what, if any, of the features they added can you not also get anywhere else for free? so many advertisements too...
quit whining about not getting a new series. it wouldn't sell as well so why would nintendo bother? the majority of people who buy video games probably research only a small fraction of what anyone here does when buying games..if at all. they see the name and say oooh mario, or ooooh halo.
most of their games have no depth to them...there's no challenge in farmville, or any goal other than unlocking stupid decorations. i like words with friends tho..
too bad..i applied for a job at their texas location.
japanesegoth's comments