i like the fact that they bring a lot of different rpg's to nintendo...i still like square-enix better...or at least, the games they used to make. i am looking forward to dragon quest 9 though.
i have the original ds from the day it was released...i have no scratches on it...and i haven't really been particularly cautious about it. maybe it's the stylus?
i'm looking for a new online rpg to play that does NOT have a subscription cost. that probably puts a few of the good ones out of the picture but there has to be a few left. i like stuff like diablo 2. i also have neverwinter nights but the online in that is kinda weird for me. i like having a set story line instead of people just making their own worlds and stories. sooo...any suggestions? i was thinking guild wars, but then i've heard that's better for PvP. i'm not really into PvP in rpg's. i'd rather play an FPS for vs. stuff.
also , i really doubt the ps3 games are using anywhere near the capacity that is on the blu-ray discs. also, isn't smash bros brawl a dual layer disc? so yeah...
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