japanesegoth's forum posts
my nintendo USB thing keeps popping up and saying "a user is connected to the nintendo wifi usb connector"...like every 5 seconds and it's really annoying. anyone know why cause i'd rather not unplug it everytime i'm not using it cause that would be annoying too...sigh...
yeah, if a game gets changed it'll be in wiiware cause originally they said they wouldn't be making changes to the virtual console games.
why they would even bother with something like that wwf game i have no idea. seems like a complete waste of time to even put it on the virtual console, but new characters as well? whatever.
i'm pretty sure they're supposed to be making a new Dr. Mario and it'll be on wiiware. i think it'll be playable online. so hopefully they'll just start making some of the older games with online vs modes.
ooh operation wolf! hopefully it uses the wii mote as a light gun cause that was a decent game. still have it somewhere around here.
[QUOTE="Jaysonguy"]Nintendo has done no wrong this generation and the largest reason of this is they got rid of all the intangibles. Why on earth do people think that Nintendo is excited to add the possibility of 20 million intangibles into the mix when they're doing so well and there's no need?
Wow, you must be a blind fanboy to say something like that! I've played Nintendo for over 20 years, but I can admit that they have made a lot of mistakes with the Wii. A ton!
1. Where are the Wiis? They have not been able to meet demand. This is not good. They should have produced more and they could actually be selling more.
2. Nintendo set a golden standart by PORTING Zelda over from the gamecube with NO graphics improvements, no added content, no dc content, no online, and some gimmicky sword movements on the Wii mote. 3rd companies saw that Nintendo just ported a Zelda game and they copied Nintendo and started porting all their GCN/PS2/XBOX/PC titles over with almost no improvements. That's why you have so much crap on the Wii.
3. Almost all the big games have been delayed month after month after month. How is this good?
4. No harddrive. There will never be any dc content without a hard drive. Games like Guitar Hero 3 could use it. Imagine downloading new levels for Medal of Honor Heroes 2 for online play, or new temples for Zelda or new levels for Mario Galaxy. Forget it.
5. The online gaming aspect has been neglected for far too long. Games like Excite Truck should have been online from the get go. Why did they wait so long?
6. VC. Nintendo puts almost no effort into the VC games. Did you see all the upgrades Microsoft did with games like PoP and Bionic Commando. They have updated graphics and added gameplay elements. Imagine playing Mario Kart 64 online with updated graphics. Nintendo has really proven to be lazy with this aspect of the VC.
7. The Wii processor is slightly more powerful than the XBOX or the Gamecube. We have already seen the most the Wii will do graphics wise with Mario Galaxy. Read about the Force Unleashed to see how AI and physics won't be next generation on the Wii while they will be awesome on the other consoles.
8. 3rd party software sales are almost non existent. What has Nintendo done to help push games like MoHH2, NMH, and Zack and Wiki?
9, We have not seen any of the "new" franchises like Disaster or Project Hammer. In fact, Project Hammer was cancelled. Let's see something other than Mario and Zelda.
Do I need to continue? I love the Wii and its the only new console I have, but please don't say that Nintendo has done no wrong.
1. meh i got one so i don't care
2. it's the 3rd party's fault for doing that. they'd be very poorly run companies if they thought just cause nintendo ported zelda that they could do the same. zelda is already a well established series so of course it will do well even if it's ported.
3. delayed= better than rushed...
4. agree, hard drive would be nice cause i'd like to download some guitar hero songs...kinda sucks that they don't have a HD.
5. who knows..i would also like to know why so few games are online over a year after release.
6. they said from the beginning that they wouldn't update the graphics or alter the games...but online vs would be so much better and make the games actually worth buying.
7. yup. though is it really more powerful than the xbox? i don't think wii can do normal maps but i think xbox could. that adds so much more detail.
8. nothing, i think that's up to the third parties.
9. yeah, that was kinda a letdown. i wanted to see both those games but i doubt they'll be released. that's kind of a crappy thing to do. make some preview to games that people are interested in before the console is launched. then people buy the console for those games and they get cancelled. i wonder if they even meant to release them or they were just to sell more consoles...
i agree. nintendo does tend to try and tell us what we want as gamers sometimes.
anyway, i think they should definitely allow mics for M-rated games. i was directing the friends list only mic thing to any other games.
i have yet to hear anyone on a mic that has anything useful to say. it's kinda pointless to have it especially considering most of what i hear online. although...
a mic would be nice, but they should just make it between people that you have on your friend list to avoid idiots cussing people out or just acting like morons. that kinda seems like the best way to do it. sorta like having everyone muted by default until you add them. but nintendo's friend code thing is kind of a pain in the butt.
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