Ps3, Xbox360,gaming pc, psp 2000...
jarhead20's forum posts
FF VII made me get a Psone back in the days when I was a ninty fanboy... Recently I got hyped about No More Heroes for The Wii but no so hyped that I went and got one, Im also very curious about the Conduit but the generally mediocre reviews kinda bummed that for me..
20 games...
Don't get me wrong the PS3 controller is basically the same as the Duel Shock that came out mid life span of PS1 and all of PS2. And was voted good for it's time.
But now in comparison all but for fighting games because of the D-pad In general the PS3 controller is OWNED hard by the 360 controller. Pretty much all games feel better when playing on the 360 controller. The 360 analog sticks have a far better layout and the sensitivity and firmness of them are far better then the loose flimsy feeling PS3 analog sticks. And matter of fact not to be picky but it is true the 360 controller just feels better in your hand and more sturdy.
I mean I think just about all game mags voted 360 controller best also.
Bare in mind this is how I feel I'm sure some may feel different but I think most agree I'm speaking truth on this.
Agree. ps3 sticks are too loose for my taste and in general I feelthat the pad is kinda small.. much better feeling with the 360's pad
Well overall I prefer halo 3 because IMO the story and characters are way better than those in killzone 2, also the gameplay is smoother but in MP both rank very closesly 'cause the classes in 'zone 2 make some pretty swell competitions. Visualy well, killzone does look better but like many above said the lighting effects are better in halo and the art is way better too...
Well this is the answer for the "why do you hate activison" thread ... Milkeage!
I agree. Once you play for free with no lag you never want to pay again. :)
This. Live is probably a bit better in some areas but there isnt really any noticeable difference when actually playing, though isnt really that much money.. So it comes to personal choice
Both are way to different as well... Can't really compare them even if they're both co-op.. Having said that If I were in a situation were I could pick only one of them It wouldsurelybe LBP..
*Signs* I hate the fact that they milked GH into such a mainstream fad....
This, not because of making it more mainstream though, I've never really liked it but Its getting so milked it hurts, c'mon we dontneed that many games just release the damn songs in dlcs or something (oh but they're doing that too right?).. And hate'embecause they're going the same way with CoD which I used to like (not love).
Right now I would say probably PC/ps3 only because as right now the ps3 is getting more exclusives.. Now I actually got the 360 first and were pretty convinced thati would get the wii next, but the lack of serious games made me get the ps3, then when I was finally ready to get a wii I instead improved my pc to make it high end and since then Im pretty convinced that pc gaming is the way to go...So PC7ps3 or maybe PC/wii maybe just 'cause is the system I do not own and Im kinda curious of some of their games..
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