if that were the case then maybe Sony could outsell xbox from the moment it starts with the cuts but even then Im not so sure if It would top the xbox total sales in the long run...
I think that even if activison really stops supporting the ps3 most of those titles will come out for it... maybe titles that are further away from realease are the ones that the ps3-only users would miss... I really dont see activison not releasing at least modern warfare 2 on the ps3, that game's gonna sell well on every platform so I doubt they shun those sales ...
I dont have anything against a fanboy, what grinds my gears are those that reply something like ... "Xbox is cra p , sony rules" or somthing like that without give anything that remotely ressembles an explanation or facts for their points. But then again thats the meat and potatoes of system wars, without the fanboys this forum wouldnt be as fun as it is so I guess is cool...
I dont see the psp getting over the ds.. I wish that this happen since I think that the psp is a great system with very bad luck but I just dont see it happening in the near future.... Is f-ing awesome though!
Well im not super excited for the psp go.. I think you made a great choice the Go! is way too expensive for being the same system with no umd and a16 gig internal drive... and I need to see it first hand but It doesnt look too comfy to play, all the buttons and sticks seems way too cramped up..
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