Crysis core should be the first , all who play FF7 knows what happened , but it so much shock !!! FF tactics end is surprising, but not so heart-breaking to be in the 1st place, i put on 3rd. Palom/porom on 2nd and aerith death on 4th.
FF XII in 3rd place ??? what a joke !! i didn't even remember that moment. ( played all FF games except FF1/FF2)
@mari3k: Dont be so harsh about mobile games. The problem is "free-to-play" and "online-only". Lets look at final fantasy dimensions. Its a great game !!!
@eddienoteddy you surprise me every day !! when i though that you cant write any worse than lots of articles about a drums guy you came with this click bait article about a mma fighter that is trying to ride the f**ng pokemon go train.
javalino's comments