jayblack138's forum posts
Well I registered with PSU when I got my PS3. I'm not a member of GAP and I didn't get my email. As much as I'd like to have one all I can do is wait. They will be sending more emails out in a couple of months. All we can do right now is hope that the people that have been invited will give great criticism and thorough responses to Sony. This isn't something that Sony is going to just brush off. They have a lot riding on this. I've been patient with Sony and have been weathering the storms surrounding PS3 updates and the lack of service that I desire, but I've kept the faith. I love my PS3 and I love Sony products, but if Home doesn't work out and deliver the goods promised, then my faith will be lost for this generation.
Ok, so I had to be one of the first to post this on Gamespot. This article is intersting as far as a dvd format goes, but it means little at the moment for PS3 owners to be worried about. It's kind of like when everyone got a boost of confidence when the porn industry was supposed to support blu-ray. Before anyone gets up in arms and starts the great fanboy discussion... it's still several months off before anything like this will happen. DON'T GET YOUR PANTIES IN A WAD PEOPLE! Your (and my own) PS3 is still safe and secure for a couple more years.
not to be beating a dead horse here, but a price drop is expected and a good thing for the PS3. How many people do you know or have seen on here crying about the price of the PS3? Maybe that would coax them into buying one. Now if Sony comes out with a better model PS3 then I'll be a little aggravated, but that's the price you pay for buying a console at launch. I'm perfectly happy with my PS3 right now and depending on what they do with it to make it better will depend on how much bigger a Sony backlash will be.
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