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jayhawk_26 Blog

500 posts!

Well, I've been a lot more active since school has been out. I've been going to union boards and today I got my 500th post. Can't believe I actually posted that many times. Half-way to 1000. :)

Well, being summer and all if I'm not playing sports or working at the pool I've been playing Xbox. Today I finally beat all 100 crashes in Burnout 3: Takedown. I only got like 20 some medals left and they are all races. Pretty fun game. I think I'm getting Jade Empire too sometimes this week. So how is everyone else doin?

Star Wars poll.

So, in all the post ROTS chatter, who is everyone's favorite Star Wars character?

1. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader

2. Luke Skywalker

3. Princess Leia

4. Yoda

5. Mace Windu

6. Palpatine/Darth Sidious

7. C3-PO

8. R2-D2

9. Jar Jar Binks

10. Amadala/Padme

11. Obi Wan Kinobi

12. Qui Gon Gin

13. Boba Fett

14. Jengo Fett

15. Han Solo

16. Chewbacca

17. Darth Dooku

18. Darth Maul

19. Lando Calrissian

20. Jabba the Hut

21. (any others I fogot to mention)

New game.

Well, went to Gamestop this weekend and was lookin for a game. Didn't have $50, I was just lookin for a cheaper game that might be pretty good. Didn't see any I like, but later I went to Target and found Burnout 3: Takedown for $19.99. I ended up saving about $20. It's an awsome game. The crash mode is really fun, and taking out opponents in races is fun too.

Today, I realized how much I love Star Wars.

Today, my heart was filled. Seeing Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith made me so happy. I loved all the other movies too, but until today I never realized how much I really loved this saga. As the movie started I found myself smiling for no reason at all except for that fact that I knew that all my questions would be answered in the next 2 hours and 45 minutes. The movie was great, no where near the flop that I had heard people talking about. Action sequences were thrilling, story was great, and all the little things from the original series were explained and tied into this one. Yoda was awsome. I love that little guy. ***SPOILER ALERT*** And when Mace Windu died, I about went after Anakin myself. ***End of SPOILER***

On another note, just got Level 8 today:

Quad Damage - A power-up in Quake that drastically increased the amount of damage your weapons did.

Tomorrow, I will finally be happy...

My horrible week will be saved after tomorrow afternoon. School has royally sucked; teachers are in that PMS mood right before school gets out. Baseball practices have sucked too. But tomorrow, my week will be saved. I will finally get to see Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith! I am so excited. I have seen reviews of it all over and people talking about it, but I have to stop myself from reading them so I don't ruin it. Only 18 hours left, 17 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds, ... :)

I hate this class...

Man, stuck in computer app. class again. So bored. Right now she's reading off stuff for our final and we're supposed to be typing it all down. Ya, she really believes I'm gonna do that. Only 6 more days of this class. So how is everyone else doin? What do you guys think of the E3 data so far?

Well, time for a new game.

It's been a while since I got a new game, so I'm gonna go get one. Any suggestions? I pretty much only play Xbox. I was thinking maybe Jade Empire. What do you guys think?

100 friends!

Hey, just made my 400 posts journal yesterday and today I got 100 friends. Actually I'm up to 103 now. Thanks to everyone. Hope your guys days are going well.

400 post!!!!

Well, I finally reached 400 posts. It took a while, and some were completely worthless posts, but I've still got a long way to go to reach the 1,000 mark.