I know purists didn't really like it, but I had a great time with MK vs. DC. First fighting game I ever played and I was only pulled in because of the DC roster, but after getting acquainted with MK, I've been playing that series ever since.
Got pretty good at the Captain Marvel / Shazam character in that game. Playing against the Flash never ceased to be annoying. Constant spamming of "around the world" move. Good times.
Very jazzed for Max Payne remakes. MP2 is still one of my favorite games of all time.
I actually never played Dark Forces. Didn't get on the Kyle Katarn train until Jedi Knight (Dark Forces 2).
A bit surprised by Tomb Raider 1-3 remasters. Crystal Dynamics already did an update of TR1 with Anniversary years ago and that was excellent. TR2 was always my nostalgic favorite of the series. It was a huge improvement over TR1 and had some memorable levels (opera house, sunken ship, etc.). I might be curious to revisit that. Always thought TR3 was a bit meh.
Absolutely on board for Splinter Cell. I really liked Blacklist, but replaying the original with modern updates could be really fun.
As with most things, I think it depends on your own preferences and tendencies. I've been PS+ Premium and have been relatively pleased. I'm also not set to renew until next July so I got in just before the price hike and have some time to contemplate renewing under the new price.
Since getting premium I've only purchased one new game (Jedi Survivor) and will purchase Spidey 2 when it releases later this month. Otherwise, I've found plenty to keep me occupied on Premium. Now I'm primarily a single player gamer which I think makes a difference. If you want to do multiplayer and you don't want to wait and risk that there won't be enough active players on a game by the time it comes to PS+, I can understand that it may not be worth it. But if you're patient and mostly a single player gamer, there's no reason not to play through the catalog and wait for it to be refreshed.
Certainly not many day one releases, but some big games have come to the service fairly quickly (Forbidden West was on about a year after release). Unless it's a game I've really been chomping at bit to play, or know that I will play it repeatedly, I can stand the wait. I've played a lot of games that I overlooked when they were originally released (Ghost of Tsushima was just fantastic). For a change of pace and a bit of nostalgia I've played a number of PS2 and PS3 titles in the classics catalog. I usually have one newer and one older game going on at same time (currently playing Sniper Elite 4 (PS4 title) before I move on to Elite 5 on PS5, as well as Thymesia which is a Souls-like hack & slash, but not nearly as difficult as From Software titles).
Gotta say, I've been pretty pleased with the service and the library. Newer games seem to be coming to catalog pretty quickly (Horizon Forbidden West), and there's a good number of older games that I had on a list somewhere that I never got around to.
I've gotten in habit of having two games going, one newer game and one older. Currently chipping away at Ghostwire Tokyo (started slowly but picking up now) and Darksiders (which I'm enjoying immensely. Good throwback to old school God of War games).
Games rotating off did catch me by surprise once as I was midway into one of Metro games and couldn't access it any longer. So I am paying better attention to announcements like this now.
Santa Claus in Trouble is a charming little platformer I play through every holiday season. I've enjoyed introducing it to kids, nieces, and nephews over the years.
@billybgame: Perhaps, but I have been having a pretty good time with last month's Hot Wheels Unleashed. Fun pick up and play racing with unique tracks and lots of customization options.
jazzycmk's comments