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jddawg0808 Blog

Game of the Month: December

Well, the last month of '09. Finally getting a PS3 for Christmas, so you should start to see some PS3 games in the mix as well. This month's game is:


Having never played a FF before on a console, nor many RPGs. I saw this game at Gamestop in a collector's edition case for 12 bucks. Why not? After popping the game in, I was instantly amazed by the life-like CGI intro and cutscenes. With minimal RPG experience, I was having a hard time with the gameplay, but I soon became familiar with it within an hour. Very different from FFVII, I liked the plot and setting as well. Right now, I'm not too far into the game, but I really enjoy it and can't wait for FF13 in March! Overall, I can now see why this series has such a prestigious name and is so popular.P

Metal Gear Solid Movie

I don't know about anyone else, but I cannot wait for a Hollywood adaptation of the game to come to the big screen. I do hope that it is of good quality, unlike most other video game based movies. (Really good example Resident Evil) If Christian Bale plays Snake, I am sure that this series will gain even more respect and popularity than it already does. If one is eventually released, hopefully it will be true to the storyline and an accurate portrayal of the game. By the way, I'm hoping that the film will have the same mood Batman Begins: dark, serious, and of good quality.

Game of the Month: November

Inspired by TheDevilDweller, I'm starting a blog series every month, naming my game of the month and a short description why. And this month's game is.....


I got this game three months ago and never had time to play it, as I had so much homework at the beginning of the year. I really got down to playing it this month, and it is amazing. It is an Action/Adventure game, my favorite genre. It has the feel of a Zelda game and the epicness of Shadow of the Colossus. The watercolor-like visuals really make the game look great, and the celestial brush adds the uniqueness. I would highly recommend this forgotten gem to just about anyone, as it certainly is one of my favorite and best games ever played. (Keep in mind I'm talking about the PS2 version, not the Wii port)

Metal Gear Solid 2

I just finished the game on Normal... finally! I had never been able to beat the Metal Gear RAYS, but now I did, and Solidus too. I was very pleased with the ending, as it made me respect the game a lot more. I know reviewing MGS2 several years after it came out is overkill, but you can read my review here:;continue. It's one of my few first reviews, so it isn't too spectacular.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

New PSP!

Just got one! A very unique experience since I'm used to gameboy. I got Final Fantasy Crisis Core and downloaded MGS and Spyro for PS1 classics. I'm set for the rest of the year! Still, the PSP doesn't beat the PS2.

Pokemon ChaosBlack

I just had the misfortune of playing Pokemon Chaosblack on an emulator. Probably the worst game ever played. Choppy sound, uninteresting pokemon, and nowhere to gain experience for the first leader make it terrible. So much for a fan made game.

Games that I grew up on.

Throughout my childhood, I originally had a Gameboy Color. I mainly played two games on it. Whenever I went over my friend's house, we played one game on the NES. I bet you can guess it now. Here are my three games that I grew up on:

Pokemon Silver (GBC)

Pokemon Silver

This game was and still is amazing. One of the best games I have ever played, yet I didn't realize it when I was younger until I played more games.

Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (GBC)

Star Wars Episode 1 Racer

Probably the opposite of Pokemon Silver, being one of the worst games ever played. Despite this, I loved the game because it was Star Wars, and plus it had podracing! What could be better for a little kid?

Super Mario Bros (NES)

Super Mario Bros

I personally never had a NES. All I had was a Gameboy. But when I went to my friend's house, we would play this all day and night. Although we could never beat the game, it was still awesome.

Historical Game

I think that there should be a really great fps or tps to come out based on the Civil or Revolutionary War. It could maybe be based in a certain time frame such as the 1700's or 1800's. I'm tired of all these WW2 games. I think that a game with muskets, bayonnets, and cannons would be a really unique experience, and would teach more about history than a WW2 game.

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