@Renunciation: I really liked the story in Witcher, but especially the writing and characters. My favourite part of the game is a part of the DLC where you basically just walk around a wedding doing side activities, interacting with people. Also Shani. I found the combat a bit meh (but better than 1 or 2), and the boss design mostly either bland or boring. But the consistent highlights more than make up for the occasional longer stretches of combat. I just wish that game had more talking, and less fighting.
@LesserAngel: He hosted Up At Noon and Podcast Beyond (PS podcast) on IGN before going indie with a few colleagues with a YT channel called Kinda Funny.
@gamersince78: My mum thinks this wave of modern victimhood-obsessed feminists are a bunch of morons that don't understand what feminism was meant to be about.
Good review. Reads like about a 6 to me, and I cannot be arsed playing such a long game if the story and characters are as weak as many other reviews concur that they are.
The game is yet to come out on the two platforms that Tomb Raider '13 sold better on. It makes sense that its critical reception is more important at this point than whatever sales it may garner. I'm guessing that every major site is going to re-post and update their review for both the PC and then the PS4 release, so having a bunch of 9's popping up again can't hurt.
@lrdfancypants: I follow both Baker and Bailey on Twitter, they revealed this news early last week. She's been on the project for ages, they had just been keeping her character under wraps. The recording and filming have been finished for a bit.
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