@bluefox755: I dunno. I Really like the shooting in TLoU. It feels loose enough to make everything feel like a struggle. In The Witcher it is just a little too loose. I think it is much better than the earlier games, but despite the improvements it still feels like a weak link between Arkham and Souls combat (which is what the devs said they were going for). I think W3 combat is good enough. I don't like the design of most the humanoid bosses, which there are a few of. Not a big enough problem to be a real negative, but enough to be an issue.
@bluefox755: I guess the difference with Witcher was that I did get back into it. And I'm glad I did, because I would have missed the best of the game if I didn't
@prickpear: I think Witcher was deserving of the award, but complaining about the combat is very valid. It was a big weakness in an otherwise mostly amazing game.
@barakz0r: I reached Skellige after about 35 hours (70 to finish the game), and I also found I had a massive dip in interest at that point. I got much better after a break, and I love the music on Skellige. My other dip was being stuck questing in Novigrad for so long earlier. But all my favourite moments happen after you stopped. For me it was being introduced to a whole new area after I had spent so long uncovering the last one, which killed the momentum for me,
@Jerubedo: It's very nice that you had few bugs. I myself had few. But a simple search of Youtube, or a glance at the enormous patch notes would tell you that there were a ton of bugs, and many were quest breaking level.
jecomans' comments