@RicanV: The government intervenes in the case of pharmaceuticals anyway, with systems like the PBS (pharmaceuticals benefit scheme), by which the price burden of certain treatments is paid by the government and not individuals.
@Rafficus_III: The particular drug he raised the price of wasn't the only treatment available for HIV patients with malaria. It was also primarily sold in 3rd-world and developing countries where governments and NGO's picked up the bulk of the cost, but competitors quickly stepped in to make sure appropriately priced alternative supplies were available to those who needed it. Any people who suffered on account of his actions is too many, but the effect was swiftly mitigated.
After running MGS into the ground for the best part of a decade, I'm apprehensive, but nonetheless interested in seeing what he can do moving outside of that universe again.
Being able to play in chronological order is a big draw. I kinda wish they had patched that into the PS3 version. I really enjoyed B:TS, if not as much as the more widely branching narrative of Heavy Rain, where no character had Jodie's invulnerability, but my biggest gripe was that the jumbled order distracted from her growth, and didn't add anything to the player experience.
@ughz: Complaining about a multiplat skipping a platform for an iteration is a very valid thing to do. And of course other areas, such as if a game is bugged and broken to all hell.
When do they release it? The beginning of March with Far Cry, The Division, and Hitman? In the middle to compete with Uncharted? At the end the week before Quantum Break?
If it is early year, hypothetically, I reckon they push it to the start of May. I don't think there is much big in may until the end of the month with Mirror's Edge and Doom?
Either way, I don't think ReCore is a game you can just push out and expect to do well. It would may more sense to start showing it early years, then give it a huge push in June up to E3 and get it out within the month.
I wonder if this means they are practising for some larger scale in-house manufacturing of... whatever it may be? A proper Steam Box, perhaps? Probably they just thought it sounded fun, though.
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