I kind of want to say, 'No shit Sherlock'. So I did. If you want the dialogue of a book, if you want the scripted cinematography of a film, we can do that, with interactivity to boot. And we can dispel with any of that and still purvey a story or meaning with interactivity alone, if so desired. Of course it is the ultimate art form.
@CptMorgan21: Tales probably just nudges it for me, if only because flat out comedy vary rarely makes me laugh, and I couldn't stop laughing most of the time with that game. Splitting hairs. But they're both in the small handful of best game this year, and I think both are way out in front of any other episodic game (except Republique, so far).
@justbefahad: Other surveys have found that males spend much more time and money on games for dedicated game consoles or PC, which is the market that most major gaming websites cater too, so it would make sense that the majority of people who engage with gaming websites are male.
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