I'm still rather confused as to what The Tomorrow Children is all about. Like, what the real hook is that will keep players coming back day after day. I think it intrigues me far beyond any actual interest I have in playing it.
@fedor: Wild was said to be in early development only months ago. It ain't coming out this year. I can only think that P5 isn't on the list because it is also a PS3 title?
I thought Shadow of the Beast, Edith Finch, and maybe Nier but I'm not as sure, were confirmed exclusives? I'd happily play them on my PC instead (especially Nier), but I thought they were a done deal.
@dexda: The amount of misinformation you are having to convince yourself of in order to continue with this weird thing you have against VR is pretty astounding.
@lostn: Yes the PSVR works in combination with the built-in hardware, so a similar system would not need to be as powerful as a 970. There should be enough data around for them to able to work out what a good gap to bridge is (say, powerful enough to support 770's and up) in order to open the tech to alot of people who are currently underpowered, but may not want to buy a 970.
@lostn: Assuming that 'high-end' in this case means people with a GTX-970 or better, that's still quite a few people whose GPU alone costs at minimum what a whole XBO does. Both of the main VR units on PC, from what we know so far, are more powerful than PSVR, but if Sony can make an external power unit that will allow the relatively weaker hardware in the PS4 to run VR, I wonder why there hasn't been talk of a similar cheap booster of some sort for PC?
@Radnen: The commenter didn't say it was 'the' list. And how is it not fair to say whether or not they also liked those games? It isn't as if the comment was rude about the choices.
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