@smoker1993: New games you sometimes get access to early, and a 10% discount on all digital purchases. It isn't a service for me, as I barely play any EA games (buy one every 1-2 years on average, and often some years after release), but from what I saw when it went to XBO it is a pretty legit deal for people. I figure there are two ways to benefit from the system; you either buy a lot of their games at launch, or you buy nothing and wait for it to be free in the vault (where you often get lots of DLC free as well, which helps for the multiplayer titles).
@rikku45: Sony knows that whatever ND do is going to make money, so I doubt there is much risk of them being forced to do anything. A few years back Sony had engaged a third party to make more Uncharted Vita games, but ND had enough power to veto that.
So that will likely be at least AUD$850, and probably more, which is almost double the cost of either an XBO or PS4. That's quite a bit more than I was expecting. Definitely going to need to see a decent bunch of very good, full content games using the platform well before I'd consider spending that much.
@boerew0rs: I bought one for those two as well. I don't use it very much, but I'm using games like 3D World and Cpt. Toad to teach my little nephew how to video game. XBO hasn't had the price drops in Australia that it has elsewhere, so it's still pretty dear. And if I got one it would be the 6th platform I currently use.
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