@Blashbuck I don't think it was mediocre, it was okay/good.
Too much time on the surface is boring, makes the pacing drag. Incessant tower-defence moments. Balance between fighting monsters and humans is off, and the AI is poor. Most the game you are funneled down corridors, and often you are stuck behind a NPC for long periods. Some bits nail the exploration, but they are few and far between. They should have done more with the hubs, which looked very cool. Not particularly great boss fights, though that's more subjective.
The story was interesting, as was the world in the tunnels. The shooting mechanics and the guns felt very good. It looks great, has some very immersive touches. Best game lighter flame ever.
@Lanja70 @RobDev This semantic argument is so petty and boring and pops up every single time there is an article about PS+ games. And it's probably the same few people duking it out each time. Get over it.
@RedWave247 I too am not a fan of their games, but I'd add that many of the mechanics we take for granted in certain genre's these days only became ubiquitous after they were created or perfected in Epic's titles.
Epic have never produced a game I particularly liked; but for many years now I've been aware of the debt of gratitude I owe the company, both for the technology they have produced, and for the mechanics their in-house games have introduced or perfected that have leaked into some of my favourites.
jecomans' comments