@RustedTruck650 I play single-player games, and even in games with soft multiplayer like Sutton mentions I avoid it. The random generated I can live with, I've just never seen it work, but if a key component of the game is the antithesis of what I look for in a gaming experience I think it's okay to pass some judgement.
@evil_snuggles One of the greatest parts of Souls is the design, especially the detailed and intricate environments. Something that has randomly generated dungeons and monsters hasn't earned the title of 'clone'. Also online-only, which doesn't sound 'better' to me.
@Aries139 I think developers all went off and got themselves far too excited about online gaming and social interactivity. So many games in the new generation have online features at the cost of single-player story modes, and I don't think it's something that consumers are onboard with.
@blast880 I was really interested in this after E3, but now that they've confirmed it's an online-only, no single-player story, randomly generated dungeon crawler, I'm out.
@savagetwinkie Having worked for a time as a retail manager, I can safely tell you that people most definitely do buy things they weren't planning on buying if they respond well to the service provided. A good representative at the places I managed would generally have several times the sale per customer figures than their less amiable peers.
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