Another rainy morning here in the Twilight Zone! It's really called Twilight Trails where I live, but sometimes I call it the Twilight Zone, as a lot of weird and bad things have happened here. Temperature is only 73 degrees. Oh, how nice and cool! It used to never rain here. Must be Global Warming or something changing the climate. Oh, except for the year we had El Nino, then it rained and stormed quite alot. It washed out the bridge over the Gila River (which normally is a dry river bed), and to get to the bigger cities we had to go into this little place on the reservation, I can't even remember the name of it, and cross over this ancient bridge. I held my breath every time we crossed it! This is one of my pet peeves: Every time it rains alot in Arizona, it is all over the news: DO NOT TRY TO CROSS OVER A WASH!!! But everytime it happens, some idiot tries to go over in their vehicle, gets stuck in the middle and has to be rescued. Every time! I don't know if they are from out of state or what, but you would think they would have sense enough to back up, not try to go through. I think the rescue people are charging them now and they get cited for it. I saw it on the news again this morning. They have to go in with a helicopter and airlift the people out. And it probably ruins their vehicle too. Earlier this year, some idiot in a Hummer tried it, and there were like 7 people in the car, some were children and when they were airlifting them out, the woman tried to bring her purse and the rescue team wouldn't let her. It was her life they were worried about, not her purse. Oh well, enough ranting and raving, I guess.
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