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jedimastertahl Blog

Too Hot

For the past couple of weeks my cooler has been broken. It wasn't too bad when the highs were staying around 100, but for the last 3-4 days, they have been around 107-108. So it has been getting pretty hot in my house. Usually I leave my computer up all day, so I can jump on it whenever the mood strikes, but with it this hot, I am afraid of ruining my computer. So I have been leaving it off most of the day and only going online in the evening. If something happened to it, and I couldn't afford to buy another, it would be very bad, since I spend so much time online. I have said it before and I'll say it again. I am tired of summer and I can't wait for fall. Unfortunately, where I live, it won't really get cool until October. Actually we don't have fall or spring here. We go straight from summer into winter and then back to summer. One of my profs when I was going to college said it this way: we have short sleeve weather and long sleeve weather.

Too Many Sites

I belong to too many message boards. It is getting hard to keep up with all of them. Besides this one, I belong to Tom Nevers Field, Most Haunted Fans, Three's Company Online and some others that I don't even go to anymore because there is no one interesting to talk to. And I keep seeing conversations going on here and there that I want to join in on, but I hate to join anymore boards! But I think I might join the one that yoester talked about in his signature, since he was nice enough to invite us to join. But I don't know a thing about Smallville, having never seen it! I also would like to join Major Winchester's fan forum, because he is one of my favorite M*A*S*H* characters and they have some good chats going on there. I guess two more wouldn't hurt.


Apparently everyone but me slept late this morning, or has something else to do today. It is weird to go on the forums and see that there have been no posts since the ones I made at 1:00 this morning before I went to bed! Saturday is always a slow day, I have noticed. I guess most people have other things to do. I used to have to work every Saturday, because it was the busiest business day in the whole week, but of course I left that job and am staying home now. There is usually nothing good on TV on Saturday. But I taped an episode of Most Haunted at 6:00 this morning and plan to watch it later. It is one I have seen, but that is okay, I don't mind seeing them again. BTW, in case anyone reads this who cares, I may be out of town tomorrow and unable to post. This depends on whether my ride decides to come pick me up. But I will be back tomorrow evening and will catch up then. Wishing a happy weekend to all members of, especially those on my friend list!

Level 13: Regal Beagle

Today I reached the 13th level and it is called Regal Beagle. This is very cute since Three's Company is one of my favorite shows. Can't stay at level 13 forever, though. Got to keep posting and blogging and gaining higher levels.

Just because you a tracking someone, does it make them your friend?

Lol, I like to track the people who regularly post on the same forums as I do. It makes it easier to see if there is something new on a forum, rather than going from place to place all day long. People like me with no life tend to do that! It's funny that they are then called friends. I might want to track an enemy as much as a friend! Maybe more so!

My Banner

Do you all like my new banner? My DD Nicole made if for me last night! She is really awesome! I love it. The structure with the five spires is the Jedi Temple, the planet is Coruscant and the background is just scenes from Coruscant. My name is in a font called Star Jedi, which can be downloaded free at She made the lightsaber somehow, I'm not sure how. I think she used Paint.

Bad Hair Days

With all the humidity in the air lately, my hair is so frizzy it's pathetic. I have to keep it tightly pulled back and braided, but the shorter hairs pop loose and kink up all over the place. It's rather annoying! I have been thinking about getting it all cut off, but I probably won't. I wish it was October. The best three months out of the whole year are October, November and December!

Rain Again!

Another rainy morning here in the Twilight Zone! It's really called Twilight Trails where I live, but sometimes I call it the Twilight Zone, as a lot of weird and bad things have happened here. Temperature is only 73 degrees. Oh, how nice and cool! It used to never rain here. Must be Global Warming or something changing the climate. Oh, except for the year we had El Nino, then it rained and stormed quite alot. It washed out the bridge over the Gila River (which normally is a dry river bed), and to get to the bigger cities we had to go into this little place on the reservation, I can't even remember the name of it, and cross over this ancient bridge. I held my breath every time we crossed it! This is one of my pet peeves: Every time it rains alot in Arizona, it is all over the news: DO NOT TRY TO CROSS OVER A WASH!!! But everytime it happens, some idiot tries to go over in their vehicle, gets stuck in the middle and has to be rescued. Every time! I don't know if they are from out of state or what, but you would think they would have sense enough to back up, not try to go through. I think the rescue people are charging them now and they get cited for it. I saw it on the news again this morning. They have to go in with a helicopter and airlift the people out. And it probably ruins their vehicle too. Earlier this year, some idiot in a Hummer tried it, and there were like 7 people in the car, some were children and when they were airlifting them out, the woman tried to bring her purse and the rescue team wouldn't let her. It was her life they were worried about, not her purse. Oh well, enough ranting and raving, I guess.

More About Temperature

When I first turned on my computer today, my WeatherBug said it was 90 degrees. It has now dropped to 77. But unfortunately it still feels hot in here. Looks like more rain is coming. One bad thing about rain is it seems to bring mosquitos, which I hate. I don't want to get West Nile Virus.