Pizza Day
by jedimastertahl on Comments
It's the title of a song by the Aquabats all about when the singer was in school and what was served for the school lunch each day of the week. Friday was Pizza Day, the best day of the week! I like to have pizza on Friday just because of this song. I like pizza any day of the week, really! When I was in school and when I worked at the school cafeteria, Friday was Chocolate Milk Day. It probably still is! Well, today is Friday and I am having pizza for dinner and I'm going to watch Most Haunted on the Travel Channel at 6 and then Three's Company at 8 and 8:30. The Nanny isn't on Fridays, so I guess I'll watch MASH at 9 and 9:30 and Street Smarts at 10:30 and 11. And somewhere in there play Star Wars Trivial Pursuit as well as get on the computer to check these forums.
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