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jennabby Blog

im back !!!!!!!

rite so i came back last nite bout 10.30pm i havent been on the laptop since i came back cause this morning i had to pick up my dogs nd niece nd then i took my niece for a long walk nd i had to tell my piano teacher when i will be in piano next nd i had to tell the person im babysittin for that i will be available on tuesday nd thursday nd today is my parents 1st wedding anniversary so we just came back from a meal wiv my aunt nd uncle nd my niece im watchin brothers and sisters episode 9its awsum after that im guna watch ghostwhisperer cats claw cause i started watchin it when i was on the comps in tenerife but i didnt get to finish it so im goin now if im not busy tomoz i will be onnot in the morning tho cause i have to go shopping wiv my parents nd niece cause we have no food in the house nd im gerin a new straightener:) mine broke today when i went to straighten my hair to go out nd im guna get a new pair of pink gumyear phones causei went tolisten to my ipod on the plane home ndmy old gumy ones broke :( so bye for now xXxXxXxP.S miss u all nd jodie cant wait till u get back nd we have ourgw chats :P

tenerife :)

in tenerife now got bout 8 days left nd found a computer last nite but had to wait tillnow to go on it guna update u on wat weve been doin when i cum back but on tuesday we are goin to aqua park guna be funny they have tons of water rides well im goin now i have bout until 15.19 on the computer so if anyone wants to talk to me cum online or add me email address is missin u all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


im in the airport now nd have bout 40 mins till we start boarding the flight cant wait :):) but guna miss you all


its 00.58 here sooo tired nd bored but i cant sleep im leavin for the airport at 5 :) only another 4 hours i hope the last episode of brothers and sisters download by then its on 93.8% it says it has 2.38 hours left but it always takes longer im watchin katie & peter:the baby diaries nd then guna watch big brother until my parents wake up nd tell me to get off the computer nd get ready im all dressed well goin now big bro uk is on byebye xxxxxxxxxxx talk when i get back but not if theres computers over there guna miss u all xxxxxxxx


yay goin to tenerife friday we r guna be leavin the house bout 5.30 cause it takes bout 1 hour nd a half to get up to bristoland then we r flying at 9.40 nd be there by 1-2 o clock but ..... i mite not be able to go on the computer for 2 weeks because im not sure if they have an internet in the hotel they did in spain but not sure for tenerife but if they do i will definetly be on here nd msn first day i get there im gerin braids done in my hair not quite sure whether just my fringe braided bac or just all over i am really gutted tho that im goin cause im missing bout 4 good things the friday that we go theres this fair wiv a concert down in neath the town thats like 15 mins from my house in the car its guttin cause i went wiv my friends last year nd it was sooooo funny nd then the saturday its my oldest brothers 24 bdays :) hehe hes 7 years older than me thats guttin for him nd then harry potter is out tomoz :shock: but i cant go to see it cause i have to help my mum clean the house from top to bottom nd i have to hoover my bedroom nd strip my bed im like annie lol sooo i guess im just guna have to watch it when i get back then the friday after i go hairspray is out so im guna watch hairspray nd harry potter when i get back ohhhhhh nd the weirdest thing happened today i was puttin loads of songs on my ipod ready for tenerife nd i looked how many songs i had on there nd it said 555 for those of u who dont watch ghost whisperer u wudnt know wat im on bout lol so im guna go now nd watcht the rest of brothers nd sisters its the episode for the family ohhh yeah nd also i went in to woolworths today to get an ipod charger for a plug socket for holidays nd guess wat is seen GHOST WHISPERER SEASON 1 starin at me on the shelf i was like mammy look its ghost whisperer she was like ugh this cost £25 ur not havin it but i put bout £11 on to the ipod thingy nd nyway my mum said that when i cum bac from tenerife then i can start ironing for her every week for £10 so i can get ghost whisperer when i cum bac nd when i go to florida in november im guna get season 2 :) i cant wait but im guna get that for my mum to watch cause season 2 hasnt started over here yet nd she hates watching films nd tv programmes on the computer well im off now ttyl byebye xxxxxxxxxxxx p.s ghost whisperer is being sold at £34.99 i was suprised normally new tv prog dvds are bout £50

song of the day echobelly

its called great things by echo belly

I wanna do great things,
I don't wanna compromise,
I wanna know what life is,
I wanna know everything,
I wanna do great things,
I don't wanna compromise,
I wanna know what love is,
Is it something I do to myself.

All is fair in love and war,
Or so they say and so the saying goes,
But I've seen more broken hearts,
Than you can count the bullets in a war,
Oh what do I know,
There's gotta be so much I don't know.

I wanna do great things,
I don't wanna compromise,
I wanna know what life is,
I wanna try everything,
I wanna do great things,
I don't wanna compromise,
I wanna know what love is,
Is it something I do to myself,
Something I do to myself.

What is life apart from memories or
Dreams and friendships we have known
And it smells childhood tales
Contemplating clothes that you have worn
Oh what do I know
There's gotta be so much I don't know

I wanna do great things,
I don't wanna compromise,
I wanna know what life is,
Is it something I do to myself,
Something I do to myself.

Never wanted many things,
Except the chance to learn,
From my mistakes
Funny how you never learn,
But know them when they,
Come around again,
Oh what do I know,
There's gotta be so much I don't know.

I wanna do great things,
I don't wanna compromise,
I wanna know what life is,
I wanna try everything,
I wanna do great things,
I don't wanna compromise,
I wanna know what love is,
Is it something I do to myself,
Something I do to myself,
Something you do to yourself.


omg i sooo wanna go see the movie hairspray its out on the 20th July over in the uk but im in tenerife when it cums out so as soon as i cum bacim guna ask my friend abbie if she wants to cum watch it with mee its omg i found out that john travolta is in it nd he plays the big girl :) i absolutely love john travolta also michelle pheiffer, zac efron, amanda bynes, queen latifah nd brittany snow is in it all of these actors nd actresses are amazing these are sum pics of the film

nd another thingonly bout 6 days till tenerife

nd i went to see my friends baby hes one month old today he was born on my bday :) his name is joseph i had him a suit wiv giraffes on them the week after he was born nd i aint had a chance to take them down so today me nd my mum nd niece went down awww hes so tiny his clothes were drowning him :P

Your Mind is 63% Cluttered

Your mind is quite cluttered. And like most clutter, it's a bunch of c*** you don't need.

Try writing down your worst problems and fears. And then put them out of your mind for a while.

How Cluttered is Your Mind?

You Are 56% Girly

You're a little girly, a little boyish, and probably a whole lot indie.

You have your own unique **** and it pretty much defies gender lines.

How Girly Are You?

Your Band Name is:

The Virgin Pope

Band Name Generator

on another note 7 days till tenerife :):):)


im sooo bored im guna write wat im guna be watchin

wensday:coronation street,3 eps ofbrothers and sisters

thursday: eastenders

friday: eastenders, coronations street

saturday: hannah montana

sunday: coronation street and a repeat of bros nd sis

but i also mite watch episodes of things on the internet or random stuff on tv like suit life or still staning hope and faith hannah montana

now onto my holiday im goin to tenerife on the 13th july thats like 9 days away i cant wait i've never been before nd i cud do wiv sum sun cause its been raining here in south wales for days nd days now nd its guna be great cause its not jus guna be me my mum nd dad we r goin wiv my friends family its guna be me my parents my friends nadine nd tasha they are twins nd their little bro jamie nd their big sis leah nd their parents joy nd mike nd my mum r friendly with their parents ever since my little brother died cause he was goin out wiv nadine at the time so we r all goin together for 2 weeksbut they are catching the 6.40am flight nd we r catching the 9.40am i cant wait :):)

now on to my computer i absolutely was scared half to death last nite i was straightenin my hairwhile watchin eastenders in my bedroomnd i went into the bathroom to take pics nd i was there for bout 5 mins nd all of a sudden i heard my tvgo off so iwent back into my bedroom nd it wouldnt cum back on so i was a bit freaked out nd i went down to tell my parents nd they were laughing at me i was like my tvs broke nd they said well it is a bit old nd i said its only 4 years old so i ran back upstairs ndthen i went to switch mylamp on nd it wudnt cum on soi went back downstairs nd said nuthin else will cum on upstairs so my dad checked the fuse box nd one of them was down nd then everything upstairs came back on nd i checked my laptop nd it said it wasnt charging but the charger was plugged in nd everything so i just thought thats wat blew the fuse so i am now stuck on this crappy old slow computer which keeps crashing every 2 minutes :(:( but hopefully my dad will get a new fuse on sunday or i'll go to town nd get one tomoz nd then have my laptop bac on :):):) well this is a big blog the biggest blog ive ever done so im goin now nd probs do another blog another day but maybe not tomoz byebye


so i went to swansea today nd i bought 6 or 7 tops long tops5 pairs of trousers 2 pairs of flip flops sunglasses bracelets kaftan 3 tankinis these trainers my friend bought me a grey smock type topso i boughta plain white top to go under it nd grey leggins forthe evenings nd we bought i had 2 skirts from my bday last year so im takin themi cant remember wat else im guna put pictures up tomoz and i had my hair done on saturday nd it looked like this



tell me what u think of it :)

well im off now cause its 01.45 am here in the uknd i need to get sum sleep