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timetable 2007/08


spanish 9-10.30, maths 1.15-2.15, accounts 2.15-3.15


maths 9-10.30, accounts 10.45-12.15, spanish 2.15-3.15


spanish 10.45-12.15


accounts 9-10.30, as tutorial 2.15-3.15, maths 3.15-4.15


maths 10.45, spanish 1.15-2.15, accounts 2.15-3.15

i really love my timetable this year cause last time i was only taking 2 so i had loads of frees but now my only big free is on thursday and monday but cause i got to go sumwhere in my break on monday it wont be so long :):):) im really lookin forward to this year of college but i dont know when i will be back on probably friday cause im guna go to neath on sat with my mum nd niece for her to have her foto taken byebye xxxx

catch up

so i havent been on since thursday morning thats excellent for me as im normally on everday but im tryin not to be on as much before college starts so i can get used to doing my homework nd assignments nd well want to tell u wat i did this week starting from wensday

wensdayi looked after my niece for a couple of hours for my mumto have her hair done shewas prettywell behaved for a 10 month old nd shes sayin nana all the time now nd chase my dogs :P she went to sleep wiv me for about an hour nd then woke up nd myparents took her back to her mum nd dad then cause wehad hersince tuesdaynd then in the nite me, abbie, jen, sarah,claire nd amy went out for a meal down in harvester in llansamlet it was fun nd then we had a taxi home

thursday abbie went down to the college with me to enrol everybody thought that she was enrolling but she is in year 11 now lol but i enrolled for maths accounts nd spanish i have to go to the induction day on september the 4th nd wait to be given a tutorial teacher but since im supposed to be inyear 2 but failed my exam so im in year 1 my teachers said they mite not call me out so if they dont then wait till they r finished nd i will be given a teacher then cause i done the induction last year i can just go up to my old tutor nd get my file nd give it to the new teacher nd then go home until they actually start teaching u which i am pleased about :):) nd i also found out that we have half term october 29th till november the 2nd nd then i have a week in college nd then im out again for 2 weeks in florida then me nd abbie went to NRG nd had a coffee

friday me nd my dad picked up my niece nd then we came back home played with my niece for a bit read loads of harry potter book 5 nd then cause i read so much it made me tired so i took a nap on the settee for about 2 hours then i read sum more nd played sum more wiv my niece sat down to watch eastenders nd a couple of other programs

saturday i went to neath with my mum to meet up with her friend nd her daughter we had a drink nd food in NRG i really like to eat there its lush :P nd we went around to look in the shops nd then we had an ice cream it was really hot nd then we went in victoria gardens nd showed my niece the birds nd then caught the bus in the nite when i went to bed the bloody welfare across the road woke me up all i could hear was a bloody guitar :x its was 11 o clock

today well i was gointo go food shopping with my parents nd niece but i decided not to so i stayed home watched a bit of tv done the ironin nd then hoovered nd now im siitin on here i wont be on tomoz cause its bank holiday monday me my mum nd dad nd niece are goin to bristol zoo nd it takes about an hour nd a quarter to get up there :):) well sorry for the long post

countdows 9 days till college nd 33 days till season 3 ghost whisperer

level 10 6%/ scrubs

yay im finally double numbersi've gone up like 30% since yesterday :):):):)

a quote from scrubs episode my road to nowhere :P

(beeper goes off)

Man: stop steeling our power

Donna: you are ruining out neighborhood

Jd: aww really donna im ruining the neigborhood at least im quiet did u have sex last night or were u raping a baboon

Man: I wasn't home last night

Jd: my bad

Donna: im guna beat ur arse (grabs jd nd chucks him over a wall)

new sig

just want to say thank you to crazygamer for doin my sig :):):)

its lush nd i have finally worked out how to make banners nd add effects to pictures but im not guna be able to do them for ppl until i get more used to it sorry xx

exam results

so........... i had my results 2day

in maths i had3 modules nd i had a U for each of them so that gave me a U overall :P

in accounts i had 2 modules nd i had a D for one nd a U for the other so they gave me a U overall :P

so this year i have to go back to 1st year nd do 3 subjects im guna take Maths, Accounts and Spanish

but this year im not gunna miss a day only the 2 weeks im in florida in november nd even then i will ask if i can have extra work :P i really need to pass them next June cause im not doin the year again if i dontim guna start revisin like 2-3 months before with no laptop just me my room my books nd my desk i really think i can do it if i put my mind to it

just to say

ghost whisperer is the only programme i have actually watched from the first episode to the ones that are showing now all the other programmes ive caught in the middle like charmed nd gilmore girls but i did catch up on charmed cause it was season2 when i started watchin it so i caught up on 2 years worth in one summer :) well im off now to post reviews nd other stuff xxxxx

earphones/ straightner

when i came back on the 27th of july from tenerife my earphones bust so i had a new pair today nd they are way better than the ones i had before they cum wiv 5 different interchangeable caps here is a pic

and also the saturday after i came bac my 3 month old straightners broke so i had new ones saturday me nd my mum went halfers cause we both use them nd also these are better than my old ones they make my hair paper thin nd for me who has thick hair its awsum my old ones went up to 200 degrees but these go up to 230 nd they have a plus or minus sign so u can choose your own heat setting nd the other ones i had u had to unplug them everytime u used them as it didnt have an on/off button but this one does heres a picture

well thats all for now im off guna watch theres a woogy in the house from charmed nd then a film off the internet and then my favourite ghost whisperer episode the crossing its on abc1

quiz cause im bored

stole quiz off bekki13

1. Who is the last person you held hands with?
umm well my mum we're very close

2. If you were drafted into a war, would you survive?
no i wudnt now how to use a gun

3. Do you sleep with the TV on?
Sometimes if i cant be bummed to get up nd switch it off but then my parents do nyway

4. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton?
ohhh yer but i only do it when theres a little bit left so i throw it straight in the recycling bag :P

5. Have you ever won a spelling bee?
i dont think the UK does spelling bees but if i knew when i was i was younger i would have entered one

6. What is your longest fight with one of your friends?
about a week

7. Have you ever stuffed your bra?
no i dont need to

8. Are you afraid of the dark?
i can walk home in the dark but i dont like to sleep in the dark i used to but then my bro died

9. Have you prank called someone?
Yer me nd my friend abbie prank fonecall my bros all the time

10. Who can you always turn to?
My friends nd brothers

11. When is the last time you took a bubble bath?
i dont like bubble baths cause wats the point of washing your hair if ur guna get all bubbles in them

12. Who was the last person you hung out with? i went to town wiv my mum niece my friend abbie nd my sis-in-law today nd i was out wiv jen ab nd lucy last night first time we've been out in 3 weeks cause me nd abbie nd lucy been on holiday

13. Are you drinking anything right now?
coke zero from tescos

14. Who are you thinking of right now?
abbie im on the phone to her now

15. Do you talk in your sleep?

16. Have you ever flown a kite?

17. What do you want for Christmas?
im goin to florida in november nd its costing bout £730 so i dont want anythin else cause my parents will have to get my bros nd niece stuff

18. Do you know the muffin man?
the muffin man the muffin man whos he :P

19. What are you looking forward to?
umm finding out wat happens in the last harry potter book nd the only way im guna do that is readin all the others first nd also my nieces 1st bday abbies 16th bday and florida :)
20. Have you ever crawled through a window?
Yer when i went to iceland nd america wiv the school in the hotel in iceland we sneaked in to the next room nd when we were about to go back into our rooms we were told that the teachers were out in the hall

21. Have you ever eaten dog food?

22. When was the last time you went swimming and where?
last thursday i was in tenerife

23. Have you ever eatin green eggs and ham?
i do not like green eggs and ham i do not like them, sam i am :P

24. Any cool scars?
one shaped like a candy cane on my hand nd a new one that i had on wensday i burnt my middle finger on the iron
25. Have you ever asked for a horse?
yer but my mum said were would i keep it

26. Plans for tomorrow?
food shopping wiv my mum dad nd niece nd then gotta do the ironing for my weeks pocket money

27. What's your middle name?
sabina (my nans 1st name)

28. Missing someone right now?
my bro nathan

29. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
yesterday to my brother craig :)

30. What are 3 things you always bring with you to places? my fone, my nintendo ds

31. Do you like or have a crush on anyone?
i like this boy called arwyn

32. Who did you last hug? becca (sis-in-law)

33. 2 things about the opposite sex that you first notice?
his personality

34. Last person you talked to on the phone with?

35. Last time you ate sushi?
ugh never

36. What song are you currently listening to?
nuthin im watchin signs

37. What was the last thing you ate?
cottage pie nd spaghetti nd for afters a pack of mccoys salt and malt vinegar lol

38. Where is your phone?
in my pocket

39. Is there something you want that you can't have?
nope cause i had a new pair of straightners today cause mine broke last saturday cause of the stupid airoplane people

40. Have you been in love?
im not sure

41. Where was your last date?
havent had one but im meetin up wiv arwyn on wensday nd we r meant to go to the cinema

42. How often do you talk on the phone?
like 6 times a day

43. Last movie you watched at the theater?
the messengers

44. What do you want? i dont know

45. Who do you hope reads this survey?
anyone lol

ghost whisperer :)

for all the people who live in the uk i found out 2day from the sk magazine that living tv will be showing season 2 of ghost whisperer at 9pm on tuesday the 14thaugust:)im definetly guna be watching it how bout u? i've seen all the episode already but i just love them :):):)