@-DarkPhoenix- In a perfect world that would be great but the reality is the devs aren't going to do anything that isn't necessary because people are going to buy the game regardless.
@Mbrans25den Yes as far as games on both are concerned but if you look at the exclusive games to both systems the PS3 is the clear winner but on these multiplat games it kinda look like the dev left out and entire coat of shading for the PS3 version but then again I'm no expert.
@PS3Champ: Just throwing this out there, but maybe, just maybe this is meant for the consumers like me who have for one reason or another yet to get a PSP. Sony might, just might think this will help us to make a decision to become an owner of one. (it kinda does)
and another thing why wasn't general weeldo(cant spell his name) never in a game it would have been fun to play with him did anyone else notice he is like the only villain not in the game?
all the problems with the ps3 graphics just looks like plain laziness on the developers parts seriously the differences are so small that you wouldn't even notice if you were playing the game im not trying to sound like a hater or anything but you can pretty much tell that these games were built for the 360 because on the 360 they seem so natural and the ps3 just looks like the kid trying to fit in so i call laziness on the developers
jeremiah06's comments