1 week of game not working. Build my first proper city, reaches 300k sims after about 12 hours.
Says "your city is not processing, the game will reboot to attempt to fix".
Then, "abandon city or rollback"... click rollback.
Now the game endlessly loads, about 15 retries, other cities work fine. (endlessly load is different to a common issue other people are having where it eventually says 'unable to process city'. Mine the game would load for ever, I usually ctrl alt delete after around 15 mins of loading).
Waste a tonne of time on chat support, they tell me i need to waste like 1 hour of phone call with 'experts in support'. which would cost like $100 without VOIP.
Even with this, according to the forums they dont even know what the problem is and its unlikely my city will ever be fixed...
So after a week of messing me about, and then deleting 12 hours of my time, they want me to call support via the phone, they WONT fix my problem via email, they basically want to waste 1 hour of my time so i can help THEM FIX THE DAMN GAME. Screw that ffs.
So, game not working for 1 week, then burns 12 hours of my time to delete my city. The woes are not over. I should just ask amazon for a refund.
There is a simple reason for them to use such an obnoxious DRM. It cuts piracy, period. They already have results from a slew of previous titles, not leaast of which was Diablo 3.
It forces a large percentage of those who would pirate the game to buy it... so publishers make more money, so they arbitrarily do anything to add online components.
Regarding SC features, I'm telling you right now, they didnt need serverside processing, it was a deliberate architecture to make the game harder to pirate (but it will happen eventually see D3 Server Clones).
As for social features, you could have that optional.. as per all games of the past, the reason its not is again, to make more money.
This isnt going anywhere anytime soon as publishers realise they can potentially double profits like this.
Aussie Here: Began game download at 12:01 when Origin unlocked (i did not see any early download, i was locked till 12:01)..... ready by 12:45. Try to login... Oceanic Server "FULL".
This is after they promised our regions would be better, (as per the above article for UK, it was supposed to be better for AU too).
So i cant play... go read information on FAQ/FORUM... Tells me to make an account on "another server" as mine is "full" as opposed to busy where you can wait 30 mins in a queue, mine is just completely full and unavailable.
Thing that annoys me, is yes id prefer larger cities, but ill make do with smaller ones and play social with friends for fun as that is the system they want. I'm trying to "embrace the multiplayer". as they are forcing it down my throat, (it looks okay, dont get me wrong).
However, its basically saying i have to make cities on US WEST 1, then later make cities on OCEANIC 1. Thats what the FAQ is saying to do. Oceanic is full... go make a city on NA instead, despite the fact you will end up having to switch around servers all the time and you cant transfer content between them.
Now, heres the BIG problem, they will end up fixing the Oceanic box by adding more servers into the hub/load balance for the "oceanic 1". I know this because they already did it to NA. All these people that went to europe and oceanic (and filled our server), ended up abandoning the game later on, leaving a graveyard on our servers.... Then it was announced they added US WEST/EAST #2.
So why didnt they just tell us this in the FAQ/FORUM/TWITTER initially, why did they tell us to make accounts elsewhere when they were just going to fix it soon. Sure, some people wanted to play right away, but we were mislead into being FORCED to go elsewhere rather than having an option to wait.
So why the big deal? Well if you are going to play this game socially, do you really want half your cities on NA half on oceanic? You will have to constantly switch in and out of server before picking which friend you want to play with (even though you are all from australia), which is completely ridiculous.
Fix: Just tell us to damn wait for oceanic to be fixed, dont tell us in the FAQ the only solution is to make a game in NA region (both same server location, different 'shard').
Cant believe idiots will actually bag a game publisher... even if they dont like that genre/make of game specifically... when they open an Australian studio.
How many big game publishers actually have studios in Australia??? Let me answer that for you, not many!
Most publishers manage Australian operations off shore, not supporting the economy at all. You should be thanking riot for supporting the 'game' industry whether you like them or not.
I'm personally on the fence about League, although i think the management of the game is a high standard, throwing 5 mil tournies for the community. Just think twice before you speak.
@terrusaet Also, one more thing, its the same thing with the movie industry and piracy.
Content providers need to be more and more careful with how they deliver content, we are already seeing providers like HBO finally break the chains from cable to go online. Australia is very interesting in this regard because we have the highest theft rate for GOT tv series in the world, and its because we cant get the content we want, when we want it, at a good price. Kim Dotcom may be a grandstanding idiot sometimes, but he has a point about fast, cheap, good for online content.
What is increasingly happening is if young, tech savvy users cant get the content they want, they will immediately download it instead. As technology improves consumers have more and more choice, we can oneday walk into a store with google glass and our reality augmentation tells us which products to buy.
In reality, we dont buy because we have to, we buy games because want to support the companies that make them, and not steal from them.
Now, when nextgen hits, I'm not going to complain about exclusive titles.
All i'm saying is, if we are talking about Business Marketing, exclusive titles when there is little to no objective (in the last of us case)... other than bullshit hypothetical marketing on brand integrity is not the way to win end-users hearts.
Chew on that for a while.. In anycase, i doubt either of us will get past this because we agree the reasoning is marketing oriented, we just dont agree on whether it is justified or not, this has become a matter of opinion, not fact.
@96augment @jeremy- actually, darksouls was ps3 exclusive and if you bothered to read my massive wall of text (cant really blame you). It was released on PC as an after launch feature. I will now proceed to paste wikipedia since you are too lazy to check the facts before you tell me I'm wrong.
"Following the game's release, many gamers expressed their hope for a PC version. Namco Bandai administrator, Tony Shoupinou responded on their page that a PC version was possible, saying:[40]
There is always possibilities to have games adapted on PC and the good news is that Dark Souls is not a 100% typical Console game so the adaptation is possible. Now to make things happen, let's say the demand has to be properly done. Someone to make a successful petition?
On January 6, 2012, fans started a petition to bring Dark Souls to PC, with over 92,000 people signing it.[41] On January 13, Tony Shoupinou replied by saying:[42]
Damn you are amazing! I honestly wasn’t expecting such a massive support. My boss(es) even came to talk to me about this, after it exploded all around the world. If you wanted to have the attention of Namco Bandai Games, now you have it. The future is in your hands, and I hope you will keep supporting this. I make a personal objective to make sure every relevant person at Namco Bandai Games is in touch with this formidable effort.
The PC version of the game was confirmed on April 7, 2012 via the PC Action magazine.[43] Re-branded as Prepare to Die Edition, it came out in August 2012 and featured new content, including bosses, enemies, equipment, and NPCs.[44] The new content, titled Artorias of the Abyss, was released for consoles in October 2012 in the form of DLC.[45] Soon after, it was announced that Dark Souls for PC would use Games for Windows – Live for online play and DRM, spurring fan backlash.[46] However, the final release uses Steamworks as its DRM along with GFWL for online play for all versions of the game[47][48]"
@traitor_651 @jeremy- Agreed, i picked one person to write a comment to 20 for, and you made a smiley face at the end so you were light hearted to begin with :)... my bad.
I'll call my tone 'argumentative', as in, not really negative, but just disputing/in conflict with most of what was being said.
Regarding calling you a fanboy, i was again addressing the wider (about half of the..) comments, I cant see any reason to call you a fanboy other than addressing 1 person rather than 30 replies, of which there was a large degree of console bandwagoning.
My original comment was ACTUALLY only meant to serve as a point that they should have made it for PC too, and that its annoying. Nobody is going to dispute there will probably be some consoles here and there bought for it, but they are really doing this just as a marketing train for the nextgen around the corner.
I found that annoying, made a small comment about it.
In the future... I must remember the first rule of fightclub, do not diss xbox or PS else you will taste the tears of 1000x fanboys. Cheers for not being generic1283129 game community douchebag.
jeremy-'s comments