@MariJoe007: Is Lakka really good? I find the biggest deterrent for me from emulators is actually finding a good one that requires minimal to know tweaking. I downloaded one once that was praised by many and I spent forever trying to make Super Punchout run right only for it and eventually just gave up. I can't remember the name of it now, but it did have a PS3 UI like what you're talking about. Sound was just always messed up.
@freeryu: Oh we're talking about sale numbers here, not actual product quality. Well math always prevails. Driveclub was a mess of a racer and still sold over 2 mill. Polyphony could release a PoS racer and still sell based on hype and the lack of good sim racers on the platform.
@spectrexr1: Well to be honest that one is almost clear cut. Graphically Forza 7 has the edge. Content wise it also comes out on top. Sound wise, from what we've heard, it also wins. If they just stick with the same handling engine as well, there's no chance for GT Sport.
@hankosanko: That would be a major undertaking because as opposed to X1 games which can be ported because they were written for the X1, BC games were written for the 360 so to get them to take advantage of the X1X power, the emulator would have to be changed.
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