if anyone on here is a member of Deviantart and is looking for me I changed accounts my new one is Names-Tailz.deviantart.com I no longer go by sonicfan33 and I deleted that old account.
jessmpro33 Blog
Merry Christmas!
by jessmpro33 on Comments
Yay i got Mario Kart DS for christmas!!!
my friend code is 017354040019
Hi! well hello again!
by jessmpro33 on Comments
sorry if it seems like i haven't been on for a while but i haven't been feeling during the week but i do feel better now so guess what!
Happy Mothers Day!!!
by jessmpro33 on Comments
oh and i got a DS Lite!!!
but um sorry i have no games...
Near the End 20: So Far So Good
by jessmpro33 on Comments
Walking down the long hall, Evil Mario and reluctantly Mario were walking the beautiful Princess Peach down to the dark and damp dungeons, for her to meet her fate. Peach could not help but look at her dear friend Mario, but Mario couldn't look up and face Peach, he knew he had to give Peach some explanation but he couldn't.
"Mario, what were you thinking?" Peach asked
"Peach, please understand this wasn't supposed to happen!" Mario explained
"Yes but it wasyour and Jess's plan." Evil Mario smirked
"What?" Peach asked as she looked at Mario
"Peach, it was never intended but Jess and I we were in a bind and it sliped!" Mario replied
"Oh Mario!" Peach said and gave Mario a small kiss on the nose and he smiled but then it quickly turned back into a frown.
"Ugh! would you two love birds keep it down? I think i'm gonna hurl!" Evil Mario said while making a gagingmotin with his finger.
Mario would have punched his evil counterpart right in the nose, but he didn't want to risk the princess' safety any farther, so he cooled it and followed Evil Mario to the dungeons. Along the way they had to go down a couple of green warp pipes that lead down, Mario would hop up to the pipe then assist Peach up and Evil Mario would follow and finally they reached the dank dungeons.
"Bring the princess this way!" Evil Mario instructed
"Sorry Princess." Mario said as he took her hand and lead her down the hall to her cell for her to reach her fate, which Mario was hoping would never happen.
"Mario, it's okay I understand." Peach said as she gave Mario a final kiss and watched him leave
Mario and Evil Mario were walking back down the hall to the green warp pipe.
"Ha! Too bad your princess has to rot down here." Evil Mario laughed. "She seems so pretty."
"What?!" Mario asked
"Your girlfriend she seems so pretty to be in love with you." Evil Mario stated with a smirk
"Grr... SHUT UP!!" Mario yelled just as he snapped and punched Evil Mario right in the noseand pinned him on the floor with his fist up in the air ready tostrike again"LEAVE HER ALONE!"
"You can't hurt me." Evil Mario said while holding his nose and smiled
"W-what?" Mario said
"You can't hurt me if Bowser finds out what you did, its so long princess." Evil Mario said. "Also not to mention your brother and the girl."
"N-no! H-he wouldn't?" Mario asked
"Well if he seeshow ruffed up i look,then he'll think something is up and well..." Evil Mario continued on
"Grrr... Fine, but leave the princess alone, and you liar there isn't even anything wrong with your nose, or your clothes." Mario sighed as he got off of Evil Mario and helped him up and continued on back upstairs.
Jess and Luigi were still upstairs in the second throne room waiting for the return of the Mario's. Luigi had to hold on to Jess or she would have run after them and put the princess in big danger, Jess knew she shouldn't but she couldn't help herself.
"Jess don't worry Mario and Peach will be okay." Luigi said as he held Jess to give her some comfort.
"I know Luigi, I know." Jess said as she hugged Luigi and felt slightly better.
"Don't forget you need to follow my instructions also." Bowser Said Sinisterly
"Y-yes sir...." Jess and Luigi reluctantly said together
By the time they had finished their sentence Mario and his Evil twin had returned from there deed. Mario had given Jess a small hug to help but so far it wasnt helping at all. Now the Mario Bros. and Jess were in trouble and they had to think of there next move carefully or its so long princess.
Near the End 19: the worst chance
by jessmpro33 on Comments
Luigi kept his focus on his brother, waiting for his moment.. Jess kept her focus on Luigi she didn't know what was gonna happen but what ever it was she was hoping it would happen soon. Mario was still pinned to the wall by Evil Mario, feeling the crushing weight of his foe. Slightly to the left of Evil Mario's head he could see his brother hanging in the grip of Bowser, waiting for the moment to attack when finally with his hand Mario grabbed the bill of his hat and flicked it with his finger, that was the signal Luigi was waiting for, seeing this Luigi sprang into action. Using his long legs Luigi kicked Bowser as hard as he could causing Bowser to drop him and Jess.
"Jess, go after Evil Mario i'll try to stall Bowser." Luigi said
"Right!" Jess said
Then Jess ran and tackled Evil Mario from behind before he had a chance to counter, then pinned him on his stomach so he couldn't try to get up.
"Mario are you okay?" Jess asked
"Y-yeah i-i'm fine Jess." Mario answered. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah i'm fine." Jess said
"Grr GET OFF OF ME HEDGEHOG!" Evil Mario yelled as he struggled to get up from under Jess's weight
"No, now shut up!" Jess said
Mario saw that Jess could handle the situation and ran to help Luigi, but could see that Luigi was also handling the situation well.
"Nice job Luigi!" Mario said
"Thanks bro!" Luigi responded as he high-fived Mario
"Forget it you can't win it's already to late!" Bowser groaned. "Koopa Troopas have already gone to Peach's castle and are already on the way back."
"Grrrr, what are you talking about you rotten turtle!" Mario growled with a fist pulled back, ready to strike
"There on thier way back with the princess, and if you want to ensure her safty I sugest you cool it" Bowser groaned as he stood up
Mario had to put his fist down in surrender, he didn't want the princess to be hurt. Evil Mario could see that Jess was distracted and took his chance and with a swift movement pushed Jess and managed grab her and keep her from moving.
"JESS!" Mario and Luigi shouted
"Ha got ya!" Evil Mario said to Jess
"Grrr LET ME GO!" Jess shouted
"LET HER GO!!" Mario shouted but hesitated to move
"Evil Mario release her, they'll be fine." Bowser said with a sinister laugh
Reluctenly Evil Mario let go of Jess, and she joined Mario and Luigi. Then two Koopa Troopas walked past the door with Peach in hand.
"PEACH!!!" Mario yelled
"MARIO HELP ME!" Peach yelled
"You better not hurt Peach!" Mario yelled to Bowser
"Don't worry your precious princess will be fine as long as you follow my instructions!" Bowser said sinisterly
Mario stayed in a defencive pose for a couple of moments then sighed and relaxed showing defeat.
"Fine what do you want me to do?" Mario asked
"HA HA HA! I'm glad you see it my way, first i want you to go with Evil Mario and take Peach to the Dungeon, then come back here." Bowser said
"Y-yes sir.." Mario stuttered as he and Evil Mario left to escort Peach to the dungeon.
"Mario!" Jess said as she started to run after Mario but was then quickly stopped by Luigi
"No Jess!" Luigi said
"But Mario he's gon...." Jess said
"Just forget it and let him go, Bowser has us." Luigi said as he put a hand on Jess's shoulder
Mario made a last glance at Luigi and Jess then turned with a sigh and walked with Peach and Evil Mario to the Dungeon.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! (caps on)
by jessmpro33 on Comments
to everyone!!
man christmas was great!!
i got clothes from my mom and my sister... i hate that... but oh well cuz my sis got me this sweet shirt!!
and my mom got me a mario one!
yes mario and Sonic PWN!!
also i got some art stuff including this art kit that came with oil crayons, colored pencils, art pencils and its in this case that has a personalized plate on it and guess what the plate says TAILS!! not Jess or Jesse but TAILS!! i also got Mario Pinball for the GBA but i suck... CURSE YOU PINBALL!! and i got a controller for my computer and a poker game!! texas hold em (don't worry i'm 19 i can't play with my sister yet (you have to be 21 to go into a bar, i got 2 years yet T-T) and a mind computer game... and a bunch of other stuff (i got noisy putty!!)
P.S i will update Near the End this weekend...
Near the End 18: Big danger
by jessmpro33 on Comments
Jess and Luigi were still hiding behind a statue on the far side of the room. Jess could see Mario and his evil clone fighting and could hear the echos, Jess quickly tried to stand up and shout but was quickly stopped by Luigi.
"Jess what are you doing?!" Luigi whispered quickly
"I'm trying to help Mario!" Jess whisperedharshly back
"For right now, no, if you did that his evil clone will kill him!" Luigi whispered
"Well then what do we do?" Jess asked in a whisper
"Easy we wait for Mario's signal." Luigi answered
"Wait what signal?" Jess asked
"You'll see trust me, this is something me and Mario came up with. Just watch" Luigi said then turned his attenton back to his brother.
Mario was still pinned to the wall by Evil Mario, out of the corner of his eye he could see Jess and Luigi hiding. He could tell what Luigi was waiting for but not yet, it wasn't time now.
"Grrrr, WHERE ARE THEY??!" Evil Mario yelled
"I don't know!" Mario stated calmly
Bowser was watching this whole thing with anticipation, but then he noticed something, yes Mario was struggling but he seemed too calm, then he caught a glimps of a small pink tail peaking out from a statue.
"What the heck?" Bowser said as he snuck over quietly and see's Jess and Luigi hiding and grabs them both by the back of the shirts.
"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Jess and Luigi they screamed as they were hoiste into the air
"Well look what i found!" Bowser exclaimed!
Evil Mario still held Mario but turned around to see the mice Bowser caught.
"Well, what do ya know there they are!" Evil Mario said as he grined evilly as he looked back at Mario
"Sorry Mario.." Jess said
"Its okay Jess it wasn't your fault!" Mario tried to yell but struggled due to Evil Mario's hand..
Luigi knew what was happening but still kept his focus on Mario, waiting...
Near the end 17
by jessmpro33 on Comments
Durning the "hug fest" Jess's ear twitched, Luigi felt the twitch and tapped Jess on the shoulder.
"Hey Jess your ear twitched, why?" Luigi asked
"Hmm, I my ear must be picking up a sound or something." Jess answered
"Well then shhhh." Mario shushed
Everyone remained quiet, they heard nothing but still did not make a sound. Mario had stopped hugging Luigi and was standing perfectly still or at least as still as possible, hoping that soon Jess would hear something again. After 10 minuets Jess's ear twitched again, but this time she wasn't the only one.
"What is that?" Luigi asked
"It sounds like someones coming!" Jess said as Mario walked over to the door and peeked out
"Oh man its Bowser and my evil self!" Mario said. "Everybody hide!"
Mario hid behind a statue by the door, Jess and Luigi hid farther away behind another of Bowser's many statues. Bowser followed by Evil Mario entered the room, Evil Mario threw a fireball and lit a torch which then caused other torches to lite. Jess, Luigi, and Mario shifted back be hind the statues so they wouldn't be seen.
"They've already gotten to Luigi." Evil Mario said after a long silence. "So they couldn't have gotten to far."
"True, so they have already left the room or are still here." Bowser said slyly.
"So then the million coin question is where are they hiding?" Evil Mario asked as he looked around the room
From where Mario was hiding he could see his evil self walk toward a statue that Jess and Luigi were behind, he kept getting closer and closer, Mario wasn't sure what to do, he moved a little bit so he could see better until "clank!" by accident Mario's foot hit a bucket an knocked it over.
"Thats a stupid place to put a bucket but uh oh!" Mario said as he looked up and saw Bowser and his evil clone looking at him!
"Well, well the plumbing rat decided to make our search easier and decided to show himself!" Evil Mario said
"Trust me it wasn't my own desicion." Mario said
"Right, whatever now tell us where is the girl and Luigi??" Evil Mario asked
"I'm not telling you." Mario said
Evil Mario jumped quickly at Mario and pinned him against the wall, holding him by his throat and lifted him up so his feat couldn't reach the ground!
"WHERE ARE THEY??" Evil Mario yelled
"I-I'M NOT TELLING Y-YOU!!" Mario yelled back.
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