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Near the End Chapter 16!

The battle started, Mario quickly attacked his evil self but only to be as quickly floored then attacked. Jess saw his attack coming and jumped up and gave him a quick little kick to the head only to have Evil Mario grab her leg and slam her down on the floor. Mario got up slowly then tried to attack Evil Mario and managed to trip him! Evil Mario fell but got up quickly and turned to face Mario, Jess saw her chance and jumped Evil Mario from behind.

"Ha I got ya!" Jess said as she jumped him
"So you think." Evil Mario said as he grabbed Jess's arm and fliped her onto her back
"Jess? you okay?" Mario quickly asked
"Yeah i'm fine Mario." Jess answered as she quickly moved out of the way as Evil Mario was about to hit her.
"Dang it!" Evil Mario Shouted

Mario had a free shot and punched Evil Mario directly in the stomach causing him to go back then Jess landed the final blow and punched him in face causing him to land on the floor out cold. Jess started to run to the door, Mario quickly put his shoes back on and followed Jess.

"Wow we won!" Mario said
"Yeah i know!" Jess exclaimed. "See Mario, I told you, you were getting better at Karate!"
"Thanks!" Mario said

Mario and Jess made it back to the room that held Luigi. Jess opened the door and looked into the dimly lit room and could barely see the thin outline of Luigi sitting on the floor of the cage that contained him, also looking around they could see no signs of Koopa guards, then proceeded in quietly.

"Luigi we're back." Jess whispered, then started to use one of her quills to pick the lock on the door.
"M-Mario, Jess, is that y-you?" Luigi whispered back
"Yeah bro it's us." Mario answered
"Luigi we got the antidote for you." Jess said as she entered the cage.

Luigi tried to sit up, but Jess lightly pushed him back down, Mario held the cage door open and Jess pulled the cork out of the vial with her teeth and helped Luigi drink the antidote and helped him lean against the bars of the cage.

"It's gonna take a little bit for it to work." Jess said
Luigi only nodded
"Glad to know your okay bro." Mario said
"Me too, i'm glad to know both of you guys are okay." Luigi said
"Us too Luigi." Jess said giving Luigi a light hug but only to be surprised by the fact that Luigi was huging her
"Well we know he's okay now!" Mario said with a slight laugh
"Are you gonna need some help up Luigi?" Jess asked
"No I think i'm okay." Luigi said as he stood up stumbled a little but was quickly grabbed by Jess, the stood up straight
"Good." Mario said. "Can you walk?"Yeah I can walk fine." Luigi said as he walked out of the cage. "But what about the plan you told Bowser? What are we gonna do?"
"We'll figure that out as we go." Mario said as he gave Luigi a small hug

Jess joined in the group hug and also gave Luigi a hug, Luigi hugged back he was happy to see them, and glad now cuz he wasn't gonna die and also now he could get revenge on the Koopa Troopas who made fun of him earlier.


for those who are wondering

i will either update Near the End Tonight or this weekend...

jus incase anyone who likes this story is wondering but it depends on when i have some time or my writers block quits but it could be possible tonight. but we'll see.


:twisted::!::!::!: ;)

Near the end Chapter 15

Mario and Jess ran down the hall, they reached to room that contained Luigi. Mario had stopped running but Jess didn't, she kept running until Mario stopped her.

"JESS WHAT ARE YOU DOING, LUIGI IS RIGHT HERE?" Mario yelled as he caught up to her.
"DUH! I'm going for the antidote! and SHHHHHHHHH! do you want us to get busted??" Jess said back
"Well no, but we can't get the antidote remember the guards!" Mario said quickly
"YesI remember them! But don't forget Mario your also a black belt so you'd be able to handle them!" Jess said
"Oh yeah I forgot about that." Mario said, then he thought about that for a minuet then. "Let's get that antidote!"

Jess let out a small w00t! and theycontinued running down the hall and made it to the room with the antidote in a matter of minuets. They walked up to the still open door carefully and looked inside, they could still see the guards, one was playing with a yo-yo and the other with a paddle ball looking completely bored out of thier minds.

"Mario, look there's the antidote!" Jess said as she pointed to the antidote sitting on a nearby table
"Yeah I see it too, lets get it, but go carefully!" Mario whispered

Jess started into the room cautiously, Mario followed after. They continued trying to walk as quietly as possible but it was hard for Mario, considering the fact that he was wearing boots and wasn't helping.

"Mario, you have to walk quieter!" Jess whispered
"Sorry Jess, I can't help it!" Mario whispered back. "What do you want me to do? take off my shoes?"
"It would help." Jess whispered
"Fine!" Mario said as he quietly slipped his shoes off and continued onwards

Jess and Mario kept sneaking along when all of a sudden, Jess tripped and alerted the guards to their presents.

"Ow!" Jess said
"Jess are you alright?" Mario asked as he helped her up
"Yeah I'm fine Mario" Jess said then looked up and pointed to two guards coming towards again. "But I think we have bigger problems."
"Uh oh." Mario stated
"Aww, Look who came to play!" Said the first Koopa Troopa
"Yeah, finally we get to have some real fun!" Said the second Koopa Troopa
"They must have come for the antidote!" Said the first Koopa Troopa
"Yeah now hand it over!" Mario stated
"Mario, don't get cocky!" Jess said
"Like were scared!" Said the seccond Koopa Troopa
"Let's do this!" Stated the frst one!

Jess and Mario got into a defencive pose and the two Koopa Troopas attacked. Jess Kicked the first one in the stomach and flipped back, Mario dodged several attacks from the second Koopa Troopa and managed to trip him with a drop kick, Jess gave him a thumbs up and they continued on for several minuets. After 10 minuets it was over Mario triumphantly grabbed the antidote vial and ran back to Luigi's room and were about to run back but were stopped by Evil Mario, who had been watching the entire show, and was now clappingby the door

"Nice fighting." Evil Mario said. "I never knew you had it in ya!"
"GRRRRRR what do you want!" Jess said
"Well now that you have the antidote, I have to stop you." Evil Mario said as he stopped clapping and stood straigt. "Bowser can't have you saving Luigi now can he?"
"WE WILL SAVE HIM!" Mario shouted
"Yeah if you can get through me!"

Dannyluvspie *sara*

she won't be on till may cuz she got banned for being too young *she's 12*


she told me to make sure all you guys knew.... Jeneh allready knew but sara told me to tell everyone also!

Near the End chapter 14

Mario and Jess had been in the training room for over 2 hours now, they had a plan, though it wasnt much, they would have to wing the rest of it.

"Are you guys done yet?" Evil Mario asked as he peeked in the door
"Yes, yes we are." Mario answered as he exchanged a glance with Jess
"Good then lets go, what kept you two anyway?" Evil Mario asked
"Well we were still training so when we do take over the Mushroom Kingdom, we'll be less likely to get hurt!" Jess answered
"Uh, riiiiiiiiiiight." Evil Mario said, "I would have waited longer but the bateries died on my Game Thing SP."
"Well you should have brought the charger!" Mario said
"If I had thought of that, then we would be here forever!" Evil Mario said
"Ya know he has a point.." Jess said as she walked out the door after she put her shoes back on
"Yeah I know Jess." Mario said as he did the same as Jess

Evil Mario started walking ahead, as he slid his Game Thing into his pocket and continued on. Jess and Mario followed behind but not closely behind, Mario put his arm around Jess to help her feel better but was not having much luck.

"Jess, don't worry we'll help Luigi." Mario whispered
"I know but I still can't help feeling worried about him." Jess whispered back
"I know what you mean, I'm worried about him too, but he'll be okay" Mario whispered. "We just need to make sure our plan can follow through!"
"But Mario, we don't even have a plan! the plan we have is mostly us winging it and hoping we don't get killed!" Jess whispered harshly
"Don't worry we'll be fine." Mario whispered
"I hope so." Jess said quietly
"What are you two whispering about back there?" Evil Mario asked
"Uh-Uh nothing! J-Jess was just a little...." Mario started to say
"Nervous! I-I was just nervous about our plan, in hopes that Bowser will like it!" Jess said nervously
"Right..." Evil Mario said and kept walking

After walking for a few minuets Evil Mario led Mario and Jess back to Bowsers second throne room, to see Bowser sitting apon his throne, only looking up to see that they had come back into the room.

"Ahhh glad to see you have returned!" Bowser said cheerfully. "have you come up with my plan to take over the Mushroom Kingdom?"
"Y-Yes sir." Mario stuttered, he hated calling Bowser "sir" but it was necessary so he did. "We came up witha plan."
"Y-Yes, you need to kidnapp the princess!" Jess said
"But i've tried that before and have always failed, what makes this time so different?" Bowser asked
"Well this time i'm not going to save her! See and when.... she sees that i'm not going to save her she'll....." Mario Started
"She'll-She'll be so heartbroken that she'll give the mushroom Kingdom to you!" Jess finished

Bowser walked away for a minuet or so thinking on this new plan that he has just heard. Jess and Mario stood by anxiously hoping he would like the plan, After a couple of minuets he came back and responed.

"It may not be the best plan, but it will work for now, very good." Bowser said
"T-thank you sir." Jess and Mario said together
"M-may we see Luigi?" Jess asked
"Hmm, What? Oh yeah sure go see the little whimp."
"Thank you sir!" Jess and Mario said as they quickly ran out of the room


Luigi was sitting on the floor of his cage trying to catch his breath, from the punch to the stomach he had recived from one of the Koopa Troopas.

"Grr, if I ever get out of here you guys are gonna get it!" Luigi groaned
"Oh yeah sure! you're gonna hurt me!" The first Koopa Troopa laughed
"What are you gonna do? slap me" The second Koopa Troopa laughed

Luigi listened to the torment, but was still in pain and could do nothing about it and worse of the poision was starting to take affect again and Luig was starting to feel dizzy.

Near the End 13

Jess and Mario were still in the training room, they thought of a plan to fake like they were still training so they could come up with a better plan. Jess was practicing gymnastics on the balance beam, while Mario was practicing his newly found karate! while reciving various pointers from Jess, only so he wouldn't get hurt.

"Mario don't forget to balance you self or you'll fall on your head!" Jess said as she elegently did a backflip and landed on the ground near the beam
"Woah, nice landing! and thanks!" Mario said as he corrected himself so he could mantain balance.
"There ya go, now ya got it!" Jess said
"Thanks again Jess." Mario said
"No prob Mario!!" Jess giggled

Mario still practiced and Jess helped him a few times.

"Mario, do you think Evil Mario is still sitting out their?" Jess asked
"If he is, then wow he has to be the most patient villan ever...." Mario answered
"Yeah no kidding" Jess said as she walked towards the door and looked outside to see Evil Mario sitting on the floor playing with a Game Thing advanced, then closed the door and walked away.
"So what was he doing?" Mario asked
"He's just playing with a Game Thing Advanced." Jess answered. "Have you thought of any plans yet?"
"Uh so far no..." Mario answered
"Dang." Jess said

Mario and Jess still just did random things, and couldn't come up with anything. No fake plan for Bowser and no plan to save Luigi....

(Meanwhile, back to the dimly lit room holding Luigi)

Luigi started to wake up, he couln't recall how long he was out, but all he knew was that he was alone except for a couple of Koopa Troopas standing near him.

"What happened, where did Evil Mario go? why did he leave? are Jess and Mario okay?" Luigi thought to himself, unfortunatly they were all questions he couldn't answer, he tried to hide it, but he was scared and worried about Mario and Jess.
"Aww look the little wimp is awake" the first Koopa Troopa said
"I'm not a wimp!!" Luigi exclaimed as he tried to stand up but couldn't. "AHHH!"
"Hey I think he's gonna cry!" The second Koopa Troopa laughed
"GRRRR SHUT UP!!" Luigi yelled as he charged the bars but was knocked back by a Koopa Troopa.
"That was a cheep shot!"

Mario and Luigi.....

okay okay, i've had the game Mario and Luigi: Superstar saga for a few months to a year now.... and i just got to the last part of the game, Jokes End............

So take a good guess on what that means..................

I'll give you a few minuets, go ahead...............

okay now the answere to my riddle


okay i'm gonna tell ya

in a million years

Just Kidding!!


isn't that great!!! i'll get to see the funniest part in the game!!
second is the part where Mario eats the Invicimushroom and he gets sick, and luigi has to go into the woods by himself and he's scared out of his wits....

oh and this will be the FIRST GBA game i've actually compleated WITHOUT!! cheating, by codes!!!

so GO ME!!

Near the end continues!!

*here's more!!*

After some time Jess realized that they had never thought of anything to tell Bowser!! they knew they were gonna be in a lot of trouble when they got back.

(10 minuets left)

"Oh man what are we gonna tell Bowser! WE HAVE NO PLAN!!" Jess exclaimed
"Don't worry, we'll just make up something as we go!!" Mario said
"ManI hope that works." Jess said
"To tell ya the truth Jess me too." Mario said

They made it back to Bowser's throne room with only 5 minuets to spare, when they walked in they saw Evil Mario talking to Bowser.

"Okay that can't be good." Jess whispered to Mario
"Yeah I know" Mario whispered back
"H-Hello sir!" Jess and Mario said together nervously
"Hello, have you two thought of anything yet?" Bowser asked as Evil Mario left the room
"N-no sir, but uh we do have a reason why!!" Mario lied hoping Bowser would fall for it
"What reason is that?" Bowser asked
"Well sir, it's just that even if we were too give you an idea, we would be in no shape to help you!" Jess said. "I mean look at Mario, I mean surely you have a place for us to toughen up?"
"Yes I could see your point" Bowser said while looking at Mario. "There isa training room just down the hall, Evil Mario will lead you there and stay with you, and when you get back I EXPECT YOU TO HAVE A PLAN!!!!"
"YES SIR!!!" Jess and Mario said as they started to exit the room

They were met at the door by Evil Mario, and he led them down the long hallway to the training room, Jess and Mario were led inside and the door was shut behind them.

"I think he's onto us Mario" Jess said
"Yeah I think so too." Mario stated
"Uh Mario, I didn't mean anything when I said "look at Mario" Jess said nervously
"It's okay Jess I understood what ya ment." Mario said as he gave Jess a small hug
"Thanks Mario! Well as long as we're here we might as well train." Jess said
"Yeah I guess so!" Mario stated as he looked around. "Hey Jess, could you teach me karate"
"Yeah sure! but we need to take our shoes off." Jess answered

Jess and Mario walk to by the door and take off their shoes, Jess started with basic things and was surprised that Mario was learning this quickly and after an hour or so got to be the same level as Jess!

"Wow Mario, I think you just got to a black belt level faster than me!" Jess exclaimed
"Really? Wow, I didn't even notice!" Mario asked slightly surprised
"Yes and if I had a black belt right now I would give you one!" Jess answered
"Cool!!!" Mario exclaimed

Jess just smiled, then practiced other things while Mario watched, he tried somethings and found other things he excelled at, and some he didn't.

"Wow Mario, now you can combine things from karate and gymnastics!" Jess stated
"Ya think so?" Mario asked
"Yes, we'll do better now, in saving Luigi!" Jess exclaimed
"Well duh, that's cuz were trouble for Bowser now!!" Mario exclaimed with Jess with a slight whoop!!
"Well DUH!!!!" Jess said!
"Now to figure out how to save LUIGI!!" Mario said

new icon

this is my icon

weegiebyneyoi.jpg image by dannychick1Weegie

MarionWeegie.jpg image by dannychick1

mario.jpg mario picture by dannychick1Mario!!

Credit to Neyoi on Deviant art for the drawings of Mario and Luigi taken from this pic

*don't worry i will continue my story soon*

my tek teks

don't worry i'll update my story soon.... (i love killing people with anticipation) but here are some tek teks i've created

Dream AvatarMy OC Jess the Hedgehog in human form

Kid-2.jpg image by dannychick1Kid *ECC character*

Mario.png Mario image by dannychick1Mario....

luigi.png image by dannychick1Luigi

Meghost.jpg image by dannychick1Me and Jeni (ember13dp) have a story going and this is me in my ghost form.

sonicthehedgehogcharactertekteks.jpg picture by dannychick1

and Sonic, Shadow, Tails, kuckles and Jess again....