The battle started, Mario quickly attacked his evil self but only to be as quickly floored then attacked. Jess saw his attack coming and jumped up and gave him a quick little kick to the head only to have Evil Mario grab her leg and slam her down on the floor. Mario got up slowly then tried to attack Evil Mario and managed to trip him! Evil Mario fell but got up quickly and turned to face Mario, Jess saw her chance and jumped Evil Mario from behind.
"Ha I got ya!" Jess said as she jumped him
"So you think." Evil Mario said as he grabbed Jess's arm and fliped her onto her back
"Jess? you okay?" Mario quickly asked
"Yeah i'm fine Mario." Jess answered as she quickly moved out of the way as Evil Mario was about to hit her.
"Dang it!" Evil Mario Shouted
Mario had a free shot and punched Evil Mario directly in the stomach causing him to go back then Jess landed the final blow and punched him in face causing him to land on the floor out cold. Jess started to run to the door, Mario quickly put his shoes back on and followed Jess.
"Wow we won!" Mario said
"Yeah i know!" Jess exclaimed. "See Mario, I told you, you were getting better at Karate!"
"Thanks!" Mario said
Mario and Jess made it back to the room that held Luigi. Jess opened the door and looked into the dimly lit room and could barely see the thin outline of Luigi sitting on the floor of the cage that contained him, also looking around they could see no signs of Koopa guards, then proceeded in quietly.
"Luigi we're back." Jess whispered, then started to use one of her quills to pick the lock on the door.
"M-Mario, Jess, is that y-you?" Luigi whispered back
"Yeah bro it's us." Mario answered
"Luigi we got the antidote for you." Jess said as she entered the cage.
Luigi tried to sit up, but Jess lightly pushed him back down, Mario held the cage door open and Jess pulled the cork out of the vial with her teeth and helped Luigi drink the antidote and helped him lean against the bars of the cage.
"It's gonna take a little bit for it to work." Jess said
Luigi only nodded
"Glad to know your okay bro." Mario said
"Me too, i'm glad to know both of you guys are okay." Luigi said
"Us too Luigi." Jess said giving Luigi a light hug but only to be surprised by the fact that Luigi was huging her
"Well we know he's okay now!" Mario said with a slight laugh
"Are you gonna need some help up Luigi?" Jess asked
"No I think i'm okay." Luigi said as he stood up stumbled a little but was quickly grabbed by Jess, the stood up straight
"Good." Mario said. "Can you walk?"Yeah I can walk fine." Luigi said as he walked out of the cage. "But what about the plan you told Bowser? What are we gonna do?"
"We'll figure that out as we go." Mario said as he gave Luigi a small hug
Jess joined in the group hug and also gave Luigi a hug, Luigi hugged back he was happy to see them, and glad now cuz he wasn't gonna die and also now he could get revenge on the Koopa Troopas who made fun of him earlier.
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