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and on we go again!!

Mario was now starting to get worried, he wanted to chase after Evil Mario but couldn't, he couldn't leave Jess alone, so he stayed put.

*40 minuets left*

Mario: Jess! come on Jess WAKE UP!!!

Jess: ...................................................

Mario: Please wake up, please!!

Mario started to shake Jess in hopes that she would wake up, but she doesn't, so Mario picks her up and starts too carry her back.

Mario: *looking at Jess's watch* We only have 35 minuets left...

He continues carrying her back, stopping every so often to take a break, to rest..

Mario: please Jess wake up *slightly slapping her* please

Jess: *moans slightly*

Mario: Jess?!?!?

Jess: M-Mario what happened?

Mario: you got hit in the arm with a dart and was knocked out, i was trying to get back to Koopas throne room, but i had to set you down.

Jess: oh....

Mario: ya know i'm glad your light person...

Jess: ha ha, very funny. *smacks him in the back of the head*

Mario: sorry...

Jess: *looks at watch* we only have 20 minuets left!!!

Mario: we better hurry back.

They start to walk back, and after a small amout of time Jess realizes!!!

near the end.....

Mario had an idea!!

(55 minuets left)

Mario: well i was trying to stop Jess cuz she saw the door open and started walking to it...

Jess: yeah, my bad, sorry...

Evil Mario: then what are you doing here?

Mario/Jess: just leaving!! *Jess and Mario run off*

as soon as they thought they were out of earshot they stop running...

(50 minuets)

Jess: that was too close...

Mario: yeah...

Jess: why did he leave Luigi like that though, and why did he follow us?

Mario: well why not, Luigi's sick from the poison so he can't go anywhere, but why did he follow us, that's weird.

Jess: who knows

Mario: Jess how much time till we have to see bowser again?

Jess: 50 minuets, i hope luigi is doing okay..

Mario: me too, uhg but what are we gonna tell bowser? *continues walking*

Jess: *catches up* i don't know.... but we have to think of something!! OW!!

Mario: Jess are you allright?

Jess: No something hit me in the..... *faints*

Mario catches Jess in time, and holds onto her and turns to see, Evil Mario run off, Mario wants to chase but can't, he can't leave Jess, not now... he drags her over to the wall and sits her down,

Mario: Jess! *shakes her* JESS!!!

here we go!!

Jess saw Evil Mario leave the room that had luigi!! she wanted to run to the room but, Mario would have stopped her, and Evil Mario was standing right outside the door....

*i'm gonna count down the time*

(1 hour left)

Mario: *notices what Jess is looking at.* Jess forget it, he would beat you up before you would get to the door, and even if you could get back to Luigi, bowser may kill him...

Jess: Right, sorry Mario i don't know what i was thinking..

Mario: It's okay..

Jess: How are we gonna give Bowser an idea??

Mario: i don't know, i still havent thought of anything... i keep thinking about Luigi.

Jess: Me too. but we can't go back to Bowser and tell him we don't have a plan... he would kill us!!

Mario: well lets just keep walking around we may think of something...

Jess and Mario keep walking down the many halls when Jess notices a ungarded room with the door open.

Jess: Hey Mario, look!!

Mario: *looks at the open door* let's check it out..

Jess and Mario sneak over too the door and see two Koopa Troopas talking and listen in.

Koopa 1: *laughing* Did you see the looks on they're faces when we grabbed them!!

Koopa 2: yeah and how the girl cried!!

Koopa 1: yeah that was great, but at least with them helping bowser, they'll never get the antidote and save Luigi!!! *laughs*


Mario: *whispers*No......

Jess: *whispers*wh-what??

Mario: *whispering* Bowsers gonna kill Luigi, even thoughwe are helping him!!

Jess: What would that matter, even if we could come up with a plan now, we could never defeat those guys!!

Mario: good point...

Evil Mario: what do you two think you're doing??

Jess and Mario turn around to see evil Mario looking at them, they were busted, now the chance to save Luigi was becoming slimmer... Just then.....

even more...

After he saw them leave, he layed his head back down, Luigi was scared, he knew mario wasn't gonna let him die, but after what he heard Mario tell bowser he wasn't sure.....

Luigi: *softly* why did mario agree to help bowser?

Evil Mario: cause he's trying to be the hero and save you...

Luigi was caught off guard by the fact that Evil Mario was still in the room.

Luigi: i thought you left?

Evil Mario: oh no you see Bowser gave me strict instructions to stay here and guard you, though i doubt you'll be going anywhere....

Luigi just glares at evil mario..


Luigi groans slightly and lies back down, he tried not to fall asleep but he couldn't help it, his eyelids felt so heavy and it wasn't long before he was in dream land...

Evil Mario: *softly but sinisterly* have a good rest while you can baby.


Jess and Mario are now in Bowser's second throne room... Jess is still sad and Mario is trying to cheer her up but to no avail...

Jess: *whispering*I wish we hadn't left him they're....

Mario: *giving Jess a small hug and whispering* it's okay he'll be allright, i'll figure a way to get us of of this and we'll save him don't worry...

Jess: *continues whispering* i hope so mario..

Bowser walked over and intruppted they're moment, he loved doing that...

Bowser: well do either one of you two have a way for me to take over this place....

Jess: uh....................................

Mario: sorry bowser, you're gonna have to give us a little more time to come up with something....

Bowser: why should i do that?

Mario: well with everything that happened to Luigi we still need time to get over the shock!!

Bowser: fine you have an hour!!

Mario/Jess: thanks...

Bowser: you're allowed to walk around, just stay away from luigi, if ya know whats good for ya!! And report back here after an hour!!

Mario/Jess: yes sir...

Mario and Jess left the second throne room and walked down the long hall, they had to think of something but couldn't, it was obvious that it was gonna take more than an hour for them to think of anything, but then Jess saw........

near something

Bowser used his hand, that had the object, and using his teeth pulled out the cork on the vile and forced open luigi's mouth and poured the glistening green liquid down Luigi's throat. Luigi tried to struggle free but was to tired...

Mario: NO LUIGI!!

Jess: *cries* (softly) no *looks down*


Bowser: He was given a posioned, and I sugest you help me if you want to help him....

Bowser glares at Mario with an evil glare.....

Mario: fine we'll help you...

Jess: Mario, what are ou saying?!?

Mario: Jess if we don't we may not be able to help Luigi...

Jess: okay Mario...

The Koopa Troopas let go of Jess and Mario, Mario quickly runs over to the cage to check on his brother.... Jess shortly follows...

Mario: *on his knees* Luigi? *shakes him* LUIGI!!

Jess: Oh no luigi??

Luigi: M-Mario? *tries to get up*

Mario: woah bro. stay down!

Luigi: *Groans and lays back down* Am-am i gonna be okay?

Mario: Don't worry little bro. we'll get the antidote and get you outta here...

Jess: but how, with what you said to....

Mario: don't worry i'll think of something

Jess: *whispers* i hope so...


Mario: *crys a little* don't worry bro we'll be back.

Jess: * tears up* yeah....

As Jess stands up she slowly lets go of Luigi's hand, Mario holds onto her to comfort her, and the two of them leave the room. While this was happening Luigi watched as his bro and his friend left....

and on we go

But... it was too late they had been caught.

Evil Mario: i told you, you shouldn't have followed me....

Mario: We came to save Luigi...

Evil Mario: aww isn't that sweet Mario cares about his baby brother....

Mario: he's not a baby....

A soft moan rose out from the short silence, Mario glanced over and could see that it was Luigi he was waking up...

Mario: LUIGI ARE YOU OKAY?!?!?!?



Mario makes an attempt to run over to his brother, but is grabbed by two strong Koopa Troopas, Jess sees Mario get caught and attempts the same, but was also caught by strong Koopa Troopas.. they struggle to get free but can't.

Evil Mario: Strong aren't they, yes they've been through some trainning since last...

Mario: Ugh, SORRY LUIGI!!

Luigi: *Struggles to stand up, but can't* IT'S OKAY MARIO!! *groans and lays on the ground of the cage*

Jess/Mario: LUIGI!!

Bowser: oh don't worry, he'll be fine, as long as you decide to help metake overthe entire Mushroom Kingdom!! *evil Laugh*

Jess: Why would we help you?

Mario: we would never help you...

Bowser: if you want to see Luigi again, you should...


Bowser walks over to the cage and lifts Luigi up with one hand.. his other hand is holding a glistening object then he........

and even more!!

Evil Mario pushed the button then..... the room started to shake...

Jess: Mario!! we have to get out of here, the building is coming down!!

Mario: Come on follow me the exit is over here!!

Jess follows Mario as they run for the exit and make it out of the building in time, the building collapses just as they exit....

Mario: That was close....

Jess: Too close!!

Mario: Now where did Evil Mario go with Luigi?

Jess: Do..... y-you think he.... went to Bowser/

Mario: Why would he help Bowser?

Jess: to rule the world?

Jess then turns her head to the now destroyed building and notices Evil Mario leaving.....

Jess: Mario!! Look!!

Mario: *sees Evil Mario* Lets follow him

Jess and Mario stay aways back but follow Evil Mario, to a warp pipe and watch him jump in, after waiting for a bit, to make sure he had cleared the pipe, Jess and Mario jump in.... after being spewed out the other end they catch site of Evil Mario and continue following to Bowsers Castle....

Mario: wow Jess, you were right...

Jess: Yeah but why would he work with bowser?

Mario: well lets follow and find out!

Mario and Jess sneak into the building and quietly follow Evil Mario to King Bowsers throne room, and hide behind one of the many statues and sneak closer to listen in...

Bowser: Ahhhh Evil Mario, you've caught a mouse...

Evil mario: Yes sir, what do you want me to do with him?

Bowser: throw him into his cage. *bowser said while directing a cage on his left*

Evil Mario: with pleasure

with a slight motion Evil Mario tosses Luigi into the cage, causing him to make a thud when he lands.

Evil Mario: Now what do we do sir?

Bowser: Why, we wait for the other little mice to fall into our hands

*from behind the statue*

Jess: *whispers* Oh no! Poor Luigi!!

Mario: *whispers* Now we just need a plan..

Mario forgets himself for a second and plops down on the ground, Jess gasps and hopes that no one heard it. but.........

and on we go.....

Evil Mario is attacking Luigi when.... Mario gets in the way and takes the full strength of the hit.... he's sent 5 feet back and lands on the ground, Luigi manages to get out of the way, while Mario saved him and ran over and met with Jess...

Jess: *shaking Mario* MARIO!! MARIO!! WAKE UP!!

Luigi: come on Mario wake up!!

*Mario rolls onto his back and groans*

Mario: Ugh, L...Luigi are you allright?

Luigi: Y..Yeah Mario, i managed to get out of the way when he hit you... are you allright?

Mario: *sits up* yeah, yeah i'm okay *upon sitting up, he rubs his head*

Jess: *whew* that's good, were you able to find a way out?

Mario: No, but right now i think we have bigger problems...

Luigi: Yeah, how do we fight him?

Jess: who knows....


As Luigi turned around Evil Mario grabbed him by the neck and hoisted him into the air so that not even his feet could touch the ground...


Jess: LET HIM GO!!

Evil Mario: now why would i do something silly like that?

He managed to say as he still held Luigi high up in the air frailing....


Evil Mario: no. *not even turning his head* and I wouldn't do that if i were you, cause if you did you may hit poor Luigi, and you wouldn't want to do that now would we?

Jess and Mario had realized he noticed and stoped trying to preform Fire Blast and Chaos Strike *jess* and put their hands down....

Mario: What do you want from us!!!!

Evil Mario: Nothing from you two just yet, as for right now i only need him...

Jess: wha.... why do you need Luigi

Evil Mario: you'll find out in time

Evil Mario was still holding the now passed out Luigi, he flung him over his shoulder and walked off...

Evil Mario: If i were you two i wouldn't follow me and get out of here...

Mario: What are you talking about?

Evil Mario walks by some switch and pushes it, then........

the story continues!!!

*he saw.......................evil Mario*

Luigi: oh Jess, it's okay its only mario!!!

Jess didn't move nor take her eyes off Evil Mario......

Luigi: it's okay that's mario...

Jess: No it's not, that's notMario!!

Luigi: Huh? what are you talking about?

Jess: Mario Just Left, he wouldn't have come back that fast.....

Evil Mario: She has a point Luigi, you should listen...... cause you won't get a chance for anything else

Jess jumps at Evil Mario and manages to give him a scratch on his arm before he knocks her back into the wall *they are in a building* then Mario comes running back...

Mario: Jess, Luigi! Watch out for...... never mind i see you already found out..... *Mario runs over to Jess* Jess are you okay?

Jess: yeah i'm just fine......


Mario: huh? *gets tackled by Evil Mario*

After a few minuets of fighting Mario and Evil Mario stopped and stood up....

Luigi: Mama Mia, which one is who

Jess: as of right now I don't know....

Mario: GUY'S I'M MARIO!!

Mario: NO I AM!!!

Luigi: Uh, i'm confused, who is Mario?

Jess: Ah ha!! *attacks second mario*

Mario: How did you know?

Jess: *between punces* Easy Evil Mario had a scratch on his left arm......

Mario: Oh.....

Unfortunetly while Jess was distracted partially with her conversation Evil Mario took the oppertunity and knocked Jess away.... Evil Mario quickly got up and started torwards Luigi, Luigi sat there as Evil Mario attacked when.............

the rest....

*Jess and Mario take Luigi and swim to a shore, and lift Luigi out and lay him on his back*

Mario: *slaps him lightly* Luigi wake up, come on wake up!!

Jess: Uh Mario i think we may need to do mouth to mouth...

Mario: ...................................................... Okay then you do it....

Jess: WHAT!!! WHY ME?????

Mario: cuz your a girl and you were trained in this sorta thing!!! and if i do it, he may wake up and be very akward.

Jess: i hate you right now *Jess starts CPR on Luigi*

After a few minuets of CPR luigi wakes up in a surprizing way...

*while Jess is giving CPR she has her mouth to breath in when luigi coughs causing water to go into her mouth.....*

Jess: AHHHHHHHHH *starts Spitting*

Luigi: Mario what happened?

Mario: when we landed in the water, you never came back up and we thought you almost drowned.

Jess: yeah and i gave you CPR, and you coughed water into my mouth!!!

Luigi: hee hee sorry...

Jess: it's okay, i'm just glad your okay...

*Luigi tries to stand up*

Jess/Mario: woah luigi just sit still...

Jess: yeah after what just happened i wouldn't be so quick to get up....

Mario: Yeah, one of us should go try to find a way out...

Jess: Mario you should go, i can stay here and watch Luigi

Mario: but Jess...

Jess: Don't worry we'll be okay, cause with my hearing i would be able to hear something before it would get us....

Mario: all right

*Mario runs off in one direction to find help*

Luigi: are you sure we're gonna be okay?

Jess: yeah don't worry, just keep an eye on my ears and you'll know if we're in danger...

Luigi: how?

Jess: if they perk up, then watch out

*at that moment Luigi saw Jess's ears perk up*

Luigi: Jess, what do you hear

*Luigi saw Jess looking off to the left and turned his head to see........................................*