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#1  Edited By jetpower3
Member since 2005 • 11631 Posts
@sargentd said:

@jetpower3: Trump actively tried to avoid direct war with Iran.

That's not what I would call pulling out of the nuclear deal and essentially trying to force them to capitulate. What is/was he going to do in the event that Iran decided to go for the breakout? And if he is truly going to try to continue to "actively" avoid going to war with Iran, why should they take any credence in his threats?

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#2  Edited By jetpower3
Member since 2005 • 11631 Posts

It's pretty much that simple.

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#3  Edited By jetpower3
Member since 2005 • 11631 Posts
@thatforumuser said:

Brandon does not stop the border criminals and the problem is worst now.

I see no evidence that any kind of enforcement can stop most of it.

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#4 jetpower3
Member since 2005 • 11631 Posts

@JimB said:
@mrbojangles25 said:
@JimB said:
@LJS9502_basic said:
@JimB said:

You don't need to research just watch the news. The military is more concerned with making every one feel welcome than defending the nation. This can squarely be put at Biden's door step.

No, the news is not the place to research. Especially with what you watch. In fact, you should do independent research about anything the news presents, and not by partisan sites either.

To clarify, I gave you what the actual MARINES are saying about their recruiting efforts, and your response was the news. Take the LOSS here Jim.

The military is not meeting their recruitment goals and it is going to continue. We are no longer safe from foreign aggression. We are no longer safe on our city streets because of damage done to the police. The problem for both again can traced to the Biden door step. It is time for you to take off your rose colored glasses and stad as a looking at the state of the country as an American instead as a Democrat.

Fear mongering.

US military is most powerful in the world, and we haven't had a major terror attack like 9/11 since...9/11. That's got nothing to do with how many tanks we have or our super advanced F-35 planes or how many nukes we have.

Crime is trending down year after year after year, with some minor exceptions and spikes here and there.

Who is really wearing the rose colored glasses? Seems like people are stuck in the Cold War past of wanting police-state and a strong military in a world that doesn't benefit from either.

What do we do, Jim? Enact a draft but only allow in buff aggro white males? Give the police surplus military gea--oh, wait...

You do what you have to do to achieve you founding objective.

Of what, exactly? What is the "objective" that is currently not being met?

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#5  Edited By jetpower3
Member since 2005 • 11631 Posts

It's interesting how many republicans and Trump supporters apparently have problems with going to war with Russia, but not Iran. Yes, the former will probably be worse, but Iran has a long history of hurting the U.S. in creative ways. It doesn't seem prudent to keep backing them into a corner, sometimes in very counterproductive ways. And trying to deal with that AND the Ukrainian conflict at the same time is just begging to set the stage for severe economic turbulence.

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#6  Edited By jetpower3
Member since 2005 • 11631 Posts

It's remarkable, reading some of those Trump supporter Twitter threads in the last few days. The amount of delusion they are under.

And some of them are even actively flirting with a literal call to arms over this. All I can say is that someone with such a tenuous grip on reality is going to fare poorly in combat, even before considering anything else.

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#7  Edited By jetpower3
Member since 2005 • 11631 Posts
@dabear said:

@SUD123456: Democrats cheered the life of Senator Byrd, who was a grand wizard goof of the KKK. BIden spent years fighting against integration of the schools. In the 1990s, Feinstein said the biggest thread to the United States was illegal immigrants

Why do Democrats keep praising and promoting people with such racist pasts?

You're not helping your case that I should believe a word you say.

Also the previous pope was in the Hitler Youth. Does that mean I should view the Catholic Church as an extension of far right extremism?

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#8 jetpower3
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@dabear said:

@jetpower3: I am talking about CHICAGO.

As far as that article - BULLSH*T. I live here, bro. There are muggings, stabbings, and car jacks happening EVERYWHERE. You don't live here, I do - don't try to tell me this city hasn't gone to hell.

You would hardly be the first person I've met who is clueless about a city they live in or near. I hear it all the time about New York, which has also eliminated cash bail. It's generally fine, and nothing that can't be traced to the general rise in crime and such since the pandemic, which has happened nationwide, pretty indiscriminate regarding cash bail policies. I and many people I know have been to Chicago, including recently. No problems.

And if it was really that bad, I would have expected more of a republican response in the recent midterms for Illinois. But they appear to have done about as bad as could have been expected. But don't worry, I will let you run your mouth about the "blue sheeple" and all that ****ing BS you have already spouted.

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#9  Edited By jetpower3
Member since 2005 • 11631 Posts

Something that has been probably been on the backburner in terms of news, given Ukraine and the ongoing protests in Iran, has been the question of Iran's nuclear program.

Since Trump unilaterally terminated US participation in 2018, and especially after it became clear that the EU et al couldn't provide a sanctions workaround, Iran has been steadily disengaging from the deal, enriching more uranium to be a higher level than ever before, locking out access for IAEA inspectors, etc.

Despite Biden campaigning on re-entering the deal, it seems the window for that has closed, what with the new hardline president, Iran's military support for the Russian side in Ukraine, and the aforementioned protests that are continuing apace.

None of this however seems to be slowing down Iran's progress on its program. And although no one can credibly claim that Iran already has nukes or has definitively decided to build them, it is in pole position to do so should it choose.

Which leaves the problem as follows: what do we do if they go for the breakout? So far, sanctions across multiple administrations have hardly slowed it down, and if the experiences in places like North Korea hold any lessons, they most certainly will not stop them. The only other alternatives are to either semi tolerate Iran having them (a la North Korea), or strike their facilities and capabilities (which are hardly guaranteed to succeed anyway).

But who would strike Iran if it comes to that? Israel, possibly with US support? What if there is massive retaliation by Iran, something that no one is able to contain? Iran has already proven to have the ability to strike far and wide across the region when it chooses, and any direct strike on their nation, especially if it is by Israel, would almost certainly invoke such a response. And what if the strikes are ultimately unsuccessful, either through failing to completely destroy their program, or leaving them with enough to work with that they could rebuild? Do we go for multiple strikes, continuously, while risking constant Iranian retaliation? Remember, Iranian influence and proxies cut a long continuous "crescent" throughout the Middle East, stretching from Iran into Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, etc. It has some of the largest oil producers well within its striking distance, and it has the ability to blockade or seriously bottleneck the crucial Strait of Hormuz should it choose to do so. And if so, we could be looking at not just human or material losses, but also brutal economic repercussions with massive oil spikes, just as the economic picture remains precarious at best, and we are already struggling to fill the void left by less Russian oil.

Still ready? Does anyone see a less violent way forward?

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#10 jetpower3
Member since 2005 • 11631 Posts
@dabear said:

@mattbbpl: I live in the Chicago metropolitan area.

Now Illinois will be a no-bail state, and anyone who has a brain will move out. Problem is, most of the people moving out will be from Chicago (because they don't want their kids to be shot), and they will bring their dumb liberal voting to Indiana and Wisconsin... I guess because they believe Indiana and Wisconsin Democrats are better than Illinois Democrats?

In the end, my beloved Chicago is going to descend to the depths of Detroit in the 80s, only Detroit was at least able to keep its sports teams. People are moving out, businesses are leaving ( Citadel, Boeing, Caterpillar, FTX, Tyson Foods, Highland Ventures and soon McDonalds have all left), and the Bears (and maybe White Sox) might be gone by the end of the decade.

That doesn't explain why some of the reddest states have some of the highest violent crime rates. And why crime has increased nationwide regardless of bail policies since the pandemic. Seems to be something else going on.
