I haven't read deep into the e-mails, but it does confirm what everyone knew all along: Assad is oblivious to the gravity of the threat his regime is facing and he has absolutely no intention of giving up power or conceding any real reforms. I don't know who the West is trying to fool with fruitless diplomacy or attempts to have the UNSC agree on something.
jetpower3's forum posts
I have a better question.
[QUOTE="vfibsux"] Exactly, it is all ignorance. Basically all this shows is people actually buy into al qaeda's propaganda machine, which takes about a 15 IQ to counter if you have a logical bone in your body.
If you think these crazy fanatics do not set us up for collateral damage you are the one who is brainwashed. They will gladly sacrifice their women and children in order to get a propaganda victory and recruit more to die for them.
Talking to the kids here is a waste of time the will never understand the terrorist mindset. They want civilians to get killed to make people sympathetic to their cause like bleeding heart liberals. They don't know about human shields the enemy uses. The kids here don't understand the chain of command period. Yet they sit here talking about the military when the military don't call the shots. The military follows orders and the comander in chief makes them and/or congress. War is old men talking and young men dying.
Kids here don't understand how a good soldier can become a section 8 such is the nature of war. To get a clue there is a poem the sas use it is called the charge of the light brigade. All you kids should read it and get some minor insight into the mindset of a soldier and the nature of war. The fact that americans can talk trash in the safety of thier homes means soldiers are doing their jobs.
Well, this is a video game site. Most of the posters here don't have any military experience outside of Call of Duty or Battlefield game time. It doesn't help there's little to no involvement of a chain of command in that game and a lot of people just assume you hand a Soldier a rifle and tell him him to shoot brown people.
Right now the Army is so strict they are kicking people out for failing two PT tests or being overweight. People who get a DUI or piss hot on a drug test are getting the boot too but after losing rank and being fined. With that, it surprises me how people can claim Soldiers are slaughtering people and getting away with it.
Topics like this don't surprise me. Some people need to go back to English cIass and read the definition of murder. I'll give people here a hint: murder isn't every possible way somebody can die. Although some people here will probably call you a murderer for shooting a burglar pointing a gun at you or your child.
I'd like to add that posters here don't seem to understand the blatant impunity that exists in many other nations' militaries. We're talking about organizations that are essentially states within states and don't answer to anyone else. And then there are militaries that are more like regime protection services, which are often given authority to do whatever necessary to protect the regime. Summary execution and arbitrary arrests on a mass scale, massacres, scorched earth tactics, collective punishment. You name every brutality in war, they'll do it and get away with it.
Update: that didn't take long. Another bombing; this time in Aleppo.
If this keeps up, this country will look like Iraq in no time.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="gubrushadow"] Of course,but I'm sure some of them still get covered for their crimes.gubrushadowI doubt that. I just don't see it happening. Too hard to cover up and why would someone want to do that? Well my media is the inverse of your media,I dunno who is lying but I'm pretty sure our media wiped the floor with your soldiers by describing them as the "real" terrorists.
That's pretty funny, given the current state of affairs in the country next door ;).
Like this is something the U.S. does alone, or to the "best" of its ability.
Im thinking this is Bashar doing a false flag attack. It happens all the time. The Free Syria Army wouldnt kill civilians, they know that would be counter to their goal.
It's just as likely that Al Qaeda or other Sunni insurgent groups in Iraq are conducting these attacks. That's the conclusion U.S. intelligence came to a few weeks ago.
The groups have nothing to gain. Whatever goal Al Qaeda has, blowing civilians up in Syria wont help them at all. Also, Al qaeda always claims responsibility for its attacks, they havent done so to any of the bombingsThe only thing is that the targets (and casualties) of most of these attacks are mostly not civilians.
Im thinking this is Bashar doing a false flag attack. It happens all the time. The Free Syria Army wouldnt kill civilians, they know that would be counter to their goal.
It's just as likely that Al Qaeda or other Sunni insurgent groups in Iraq are conducting these attacks. That's the conclusion U.S. intelligence came to a few weeks ago. That's why I also believe the West's refusal to more openly support the opposition is a mistake. If the opposition feels that they are all alone, these radical groups would be happy to support them.
Story here.
"Twin car bombs struck intelligence and security buildings in the Syrian capital on Saturday, killing at least 27 people and wounding nearly 100, according to state media. State TV, citing the health minister, said the death toll could rise.
Gruesome images of the scene were aired, with mangled and charred corpses, bloodstained streets and twisted steel...
...The blasts were the latest in a string of mysterious, large-scale attacks targeting the Syrian regime's military and security installations. The previous blasts, all suicide bombings, killed dozens of people since December, even as the regime wages a bloody crackdown against the year-old uprising against President Bashar Assad".
The longer he hangs on, the worse this is going to get...
Support oppresive Saudi and Israeli regimes otherwise you're probably an anti-semetic Nazi terrorist.
Assad administration protecting Syria from the threat of civil war? - absolutely unacceptable
I still have yet to learn what **** some people smoke when they think that only a dictator's regime can keep a country together. Especially when the said dictator(s) sets up the very circumstances for an eventual power vacuum.
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