Because it's a low budget endeavor using stock footage and nonsensical story elements?
jetpower3's forum posts
You're comparing one country to an entire continent? No.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]
You have a massive Unemployment rate and a GDP lower than most of Western Europe and parts of Asia.
Universities I'l give you but the price of them makes social mobility in America ridiculously low.
Racism is meh.
Corruption free goverment is a major lol considering Goverment Lobbies passing legislation with what are esentially bungs disguised as donations, and the entire George Bush's first election thing being majorly corrupt.
You law enforcement is attrocious the powers the've been given to cut free speech as well as the power trip there on as evident at recent protests and the ability to indefinite interent without trial which everyone seems to be ok with. And the Military world police thing is a horrible idea as the Biritish found out between the 20's and 40's (I mean the only just "war" a term im using loosely since Kosovo was in Libya and you were barely there).
Equality so long as your not Homosexual in most states.
Enterainment definatly.
Technology like what exactly? I'm definatly going to say no to this one.
As well as a lower Quality of life than a fair few countries.
So in a word, no.
Canada, New Zeland and Australia are all better places to live.Ncsoftlover
I think the term corruption is misapplied in this thread. Lobbies and corporations trying to ensure politicians that vote their interests is not corruption. And if the lazy apathetic Americans would get their ass out of bed and vote......the lobbies and corporations wouldn't decide anything. It does come down to the votes. Period. If business and lobbies are one is to blame but those who don't vote. And sadly that is not a small number. Look at some countries that don't get to decide their leaders.....they'd be happy to have a chance to select. But spoiled Americans just want to complain and do nothing to change things.
Considering Free Speech....well it's definitely more free than in the UK. And at least equal to other countries. I can't think of one that is more free in this regard.
Equality in what regard exactly? The only issue would be marriage...which is a new phenomenon in the world. Not many countries have it yet. The US leaves it up to states so blaming the federal goverment is disingenious. Most states aren't being pressured to consider it either so I don't imagine it's as big an issue as users here make out. It'll happen eventually.
Technology? Not sure why you'd say no to that. Seems ridiculous then again you said nothing else substantive about it.
Quality of LIfe is an interesting statistic. You might want to check out the differences used in various countries to decide that. And then see how silly it is to use as a fact. There is no one way to come to terms with it. It's opinion.
The US is not place is. But it's rather illogical to blast the US when it's definitely one of the better countries to live in. I know it's trendy and cool and all but it's still illogical. Particularly when those bashing it have no knowledge of what it's like to live elsewhere. All other countries have problems as well. All other countries have citizens complaining. Europe is having problems.
As for the obesity rate....Australia has a problem with obesity as does the UK. As I said.....the US might not be "best" as that is subjective but it's not worse than other countries either.
I'd even argue it's one of the best places to live
but really doesn't do quite that well when people start to analyze it, freedom related indexes
Democracy index
press freedom : 47 ??
corruption perception : 24
Democracy index : 19 (that's pretty good)
The US does do amazingly well in economic freedom indexes though.
And if you look at the wide reaching HDI, it's right up there. Not so much when adjusted for inequality though.
Yea but they need to fly over Iraq to reach Iran. Don't we still maintain no-fly-zones there? They don'tnecessarily have to fly over Iraq. That's just the most expedientroute. And I don't see how we maintain a no-fly-zone over Iraq seeing as how we've completely left that country, militarily.[QUOTE="MirkoS77"][QUOTE="IustitiaMaximus"]
Israel has already said they won't warn the US if they do attack.
Honestly, this was one of the contentious issues of the U.S. leaving so suddenly. The Iraqis do not yet have any combat aircraft, or at least not enough to sufficiently police airspace.
How about some of the agricultural subsidies? The U.S. needs all the spending cuts it can "comfortably" afford.
And how many valuations like that have lasted? I'm also not too impressed by their ridiculously steep run up in price.
Well, i don't think people are smart enough to make communism work either.
The groupthink involved would be unbelievable.
I seem to be more built like a runner. Also, I never seriously worked out (besides running) until a relatively later period than most people (a la late college). I'm still learning.
[QUOTE="airshocker"][QUOTE="Minishdriveby"]"when a congress oversteps it's bounds. It gets shellacked in an election year." That's only if the majority is affected. If it was a minority group that lost their freedoms the majority wouldn't really care because they didn't lose anything. They would care even less if they benefitted from the others loss of freedom and would probably re-elect the same politicians. So now we're back to my original statement. As long as you as the majority says you have your freedoms you're safe. As soon as you become a minority that the majority dislikes you lose your freedoms.Minishdriveby
And again, just because there's a majority in the house doesn't mean it can't be undone ie November 2010.
And again the it can only be undone if the majority of citizens want it undone. And so if the majority of representatives say hey let's lock up all Japanese-americans in concentration camps and the majority of civilians go "Yeah that sounds good," nothing stops the government from not eliminating the freedoms of the Japanese-americans. It's not like the japanese americans can undo the house majority. They have no rights. And the majority are either scared/dislike the japanese-americans so they're not going to vote for a senator that gives them rights. It may eventually be overruled, but if the majority always fears/hates a minority they will never have the same freedoms. See what I'm saying?Except when a minority has monopolized power ;).
The amount of retroactive continuity and justifications for mistakes and inconsistencies in Star Wars is incredible. I'd have to give them credit if the expanded universe hadn't gotten so dense and contrived.
Apparently he never gets my messages either.
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