jetpower3's forum posts
Dude, I remember him. He was a good poster, too. :( *salutes* FalconZero
He was an awful and lame one actually. He had no consistency, and I was never able to figure out what he was affiliated with, but he was an awful fakeboy.
[QUOTE="Shinoto"]DDS2 is out and its the only one you need really. You can basically pick up the entire story from there^^ Its also new and 30dollars while the old one is no longer made:PPanzer_Zwei
That's what happens when you don't get them when you should. :P
Funny thing is that happens to a lot of people, who wanted a game but hype beats them and end up getting some mainstream game instead that will probably be around for years and end up being cheaper player's choice later.
That's why a lot of people have missed on some games that have sky highed in price like Suikoden II,Valkyrie Profile, Disgaea, Panzer Dragoon Saga etc. and all of those were easily available when they were released.
You're looking at one of those people right now. Or rather, I was once like that, but now I changed. But don't worry. I'll get around to all that stuff eventually. I'm not afraid to pay a lot. My pockets are deep enough to accomodate them.
Well, Ringo finally got better and so him, McCartney, Cycloptis, and me were able to make it Dublin by the afternoon on the Yellow Submarine. The concert was basically a whole bunch of screaming fans and us singing some old beatles stuff, such as Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, with a little help from my friends, and the reprise (given for all the concerts we decided), Come Together, When I'm 64 (Paul got teary while singing this), Yellow Submarine, and Tomorrow Never Knows. McCartney's pretty face seems to be getting better (I slapped it silly the first day after he accidently exorcising the ghost of John Adkins. Although he wasn't mad or anything, for some reason).
Anyways, that was basically the tour so now we're just hanging around here for awhile, deciding on where to go next. That's all for tonight. Peace and love. Peace and love. Peace and love.
[QUOTE="jetpower3"]Honestly, you should have thought about this before. ZEophai
D: My friend said the same thing before, had to explain to her.
Basically, the first time I went I was told I'd get in without any problems. Right course, right campus. Right everything.
NOW, they're trying to extract my essence, without notification. I didn't think it necessary, but lo' and behold. Here I am, deficating myself over something that ceases to exist at this moment. But WILL. In due time.
Well, you have 13 hours. You better hurry up.
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