Yeah, nah
Not gonna happen
Iwata interview here
Yeah, nah
Not gonna happen
Iwata interview here
I would like…
If they are going to incorporate motion controls with this thing I wouldlike themto include at least a second sensor bar. One at the front like where the Wii's one is now. A second one at 90 degrees to the side (wireless of course). This might be able to add some responsiveness to the movements you make. Sure if it needs it I would prefer 4 sensor bars so the person was surrounded like them. Make them like speakers and incorporate it into a surround sound system or something that would just make it all the more cooler.
Improved graphics or whatever it takes so that the next Nintendo doesn't simply get watered down versions of the other games. I used to love the FIFA games and get them every year. On the Wii they are shotty arcade versions of the real thing. I only play FIFA on my mates Xbox now and it's something I miss. There are many other games in the same category. It seems the general consensus is that the Wii gets watered down games because it is so different to design for than the other consoles. If graphics is the problem something to fix it would be good.
That's enough for now but those are my biggest issues with the Wii at the moment. The channels at the moment are good and will only improve (if they stick with the concept)
1. Super Mario 64
2. New Super Mario Bros Wii
3. Mario Kart Double Dash
4. Super Mario World
5. Super Mario All Stars (a cheating way to have all the originals)
6. Super Mario Galaxy 2
7. Mario Kart 64
8. Mario Kart Wii
9. Mario Kart Snes
10. Mario Golf GameCube
Ohhh that was hard. I missed out Tennis and all the Mario Parties. I can be sure the top 3 are in order but don't know after that
Too risky to compete with the other companies is one way to look at it. I prefer to see it as smart avoidance. The best way to win a fight is to not be in one. Nintendo managed to avoid any direct competition with the Wii and let Sony and Microsft battle it out. In the end that decision made the Wii far more profitable than either of the other two consoles.
My understanding is that Nintendo made a decision to sacrifice power to lower cost and market the Wii to a previously untapped audience. Nintendo are the leaders in the console department. Sure they may not be leading in the Core gamer demographic because they have lowered graphics and motion controls but they are still overall leaders. The Playstation and Xbox consoles owe a lot to what Nintendo has done before:
From Wiki:
8-bit era
16-bit era
32-bit era
* I will add my opinion that as Playstation was the first largely pirated console these sales are slightly inflated. Sure they outsold N64 in consoles 3:1 but the N64 sold WAY more software
Last gen
1. PS2 – 150 mil
2. Xbox – 50 mil
3. Gamecube – 21.7 mil
Current gen
After looking at these it seems Nintendo's decision to NOT directly compete with the other 2 companies with the Wii was a good one.
Here I encourage anyone that wants to know about the Motion Control debate to check this out HERE
Its entertaining (as all the clips these guys have are) and It spells out what the possiblities are
Your first paragraph was a long rant about nothing and isn't even accurate anymore. Most people these days link video games playerswith rude fowl mouthed teen boys playing Call of Duty (or another FPS) and screaming at people through headsets. Don't be one of them. I'm assuming your not.
I agree kinect is a good 'concept' similar to what the EyeToy did on PS2 (I think). Motion controls are just not delivered very good at all. The best example of motion controls I have used is on Wii Sports. Yep the first attempt at motion controls on the Wii has been the best in my experience. You can have your opinion but motion controls as buggy as they are on the wii still work. Iv played kinect games where you try to kick a ball 60 times then it moves when you walk away.
Graphics should be A factor but not THE factor which was my point from the start. Each generation will offer better graphics then the past. Yes in the future graphics will be less of a consideration. Maybe even the generation after next. (10 years away seems about right). But that doesn't mean that you should automatically go for the console with the highest resolution.
The super real was the concept that triggered the Wii. Nintendo have realised (I'm sure the others have as well but Nintendo acted on it) that graphics will only be a selling point for a little bit longer, after that ingenuity will be what moves consoles.
It's attitudes like this that give the industry a bad image (first half of your post)
At least the car analogy got my point across (almost).
Yes Sony and Microsoft are more powerful. The Wii has maintained a sales success for the life of its console, despite being slightly behind now (at the end of its life) end of debate.
The motion controls for all systems are buggy at best. Having only tried the kinect and wiimote I cant comment on Sony's attempt but wiimote (with all its flaws) is still more responsive than what the kinect offers.
I am talking about the NEXT gen of consoles. Graphics shouldn't be a factor with the NEXT console you buy. EVENTUALLY graphics wont be a factor period.
I didn't make the stereotype, society did (legally blonde anyone). I apologise I was meaning to put a disclaimer at the bottom meaning no insult. My bad.
I didn't say ALL I said A (as in one, single) I'm sure there are plenty of less attractive people that have no personality and are dumb as a post.
You are making some pretty bold statements about me with jack all information from one post. How about you grow up and get out of the school-yard mentality of the 'it' crowed. If you are in fact still part of the school yard (like it appears you are) when you DO eventually grow up you will be in for a nice shock of reality.
For your information it is shallow to only go after Attractive people (guy or girl). Its not shallow to call to say that's what they are, it might be a generalisation that is unfair but its not shallow. Your whole argument about being shallow is just BS about my analogy and is really a bit of an exaggeration for a discussion about Video Game Graphics. You don't have any point to your rant other than Wii is sub par to the competition. Nothing to back that up with?
I knew I shoulda made this comparison to cars. Well that's my fault for leaving things open to criticism and subject to interpretation. Unless you have anything to say about the topic iv got no more time for you.
Graphics don't make the console gameplay does that. Its like having a really sweet looking car that drives like a shopping trolley. Your eventually going to want something that will be reliable in getting you around even if it's a beat up Ute
Again I apologise for any Woman/Blond/Shallow jerks I may have offended. I happen to know many attractive blondes that are a lot smarter than me.
I recently stumbled upon this site and the stuff it goes on with. Check this LINK out if you want to understand more about why games look good and what "Graphics" really are
Anyone that decided on buying a console with graphics as their major factor will eventually be disappointed. It's like having a pretty blonde that is as dumb as a post and no personality. Sure she is good to look at but would get VERY boring VERY fast. Without going too far into this analogy I'm sure some people on here may choose the pretty-dumb-no personality blonde. That makes you shallow.
Graphics on the Wii are not that bad in most cases
Bad Wii graphics in Longon Taxi Rush
Good Wii graphics in Okami
Be thankful for what consoles are capable of in 2011
The next Nintendo will have improved graphics why wouldn't they. They shouldn't need them because it's the gameplay that counts. But they do need them to at least be close to what else is being offered.
In 10 or so years graphics wont even be a debate because there will be no way they can get noticeably better from generation to generation. Then its companies like Nintendo who have started in other directions (motion controls) that will reap the rewards of their efforts.
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