I have never laughed that hard at a post. Thank you.all time 24/7
no other game comes close to the perfectness of runescape
only scrubs play other games
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jhalter1's forum posts
Bioware/EA deserves it. They put out a pile of crap.It appears there have been some pretty big layoffs at The Old Republic camp. Is there anyone around who still wants to claim the game is healthy and doing fine?
Poor Bioware. I only hope other developers actually take notice and begin to realize that nobody wants another cookie-cutter-me-too MMORPG. Are you paying attention Bethesda?
Has anyone else noticed ridiculous stat combinations on gear? For example, I had a really nice legendary weapon drop for my barb and it had strenght and intelligence. Why? I understand intelligence is useful, but who cares when vitality and strength are significantly more useful?
[QUOTE="FelipeInside"]I don't expect anything below 8-9 cause Diablo 3 deserves it.-wildflower-
I tend to like the reviews/impression at RPS but mostly because they don't give scores in their reviews. They did not have nice things to say about Diabo 3:
How Diablo III's Solo Experience Reveals A Hollow Game
I love Diablo 3, but damn, they hit the nail on the head.
The game could have been a game-changer, but it feels like Diablo 2 with better graphics and painful DRM.
Oh boy, 0/10. You can do better, I know you can.The next Xbox will be so powerful that we are at the point of not really needing much more for graphics. By mid next gen developers will be pumping out some sick looking games on the next Xbox 720 and honestly at that point who is gonna care about a tad shaper textures or whatever becuase it's already going to look so good already on 720 that 99.9% of consumers will want to be chilling on their sofa kicked back playing 720 rather then doing this?
No, everybody bought a single player game which requires a constant internet connection. Then, acted suprised when the servers predictably crashed.
Yay gamers.
Yay Blizzard.
Are they F***ing retarded!?THIS answers all your questions.
Nevermind, they answered that one too.
LOL...dude...give him a break...people like him ruin online gaming?Really?How about the ones who swear and rage shouts to everyone that he/she is a noob because he camps or use a certain weapon etc...how about the ones who rage quit in the middle of the game...how about those??
So he is bragging...who cares???Is not like he is insulting anyone in any way...You know...he can be ignored if you dont like what he posts...
Terrbible communities ruin the online experience. Griefers and quitters ruin it too, but cockiness and rudeness are a plague in online gaming. We've all seen people like jiggly in online games.
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