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First and Foremost: My copy of Rez arrived in the mail today, I had the biggest grin on my face. Brand New Factory Sealed. I paid way too much for it, but it sure is fun. I am so stoked to finally have this in my collection.

Ninja Gaiden is coming along nicely, been upgrading weapons and "essence farming" in the aquaduct (ch. 10) hopefully I'll get what I want (UF) and move on soon.

RE4 is also moving right along as well. It's getting pretty intense and it sure is a rewarding experience.

I've also had the opportunity to have some friends over lately to play doubles matches on Top Spin.

I received Top Spin and NCAA 2005 a while ago from a friend who recently bought a box but didn't have any interest in either title. I didn't have much interest at first, but being the newly formed collector that I am, I took it. American Football games are probably my least favorite game to play, but NCAA is not too bad. I don't imagine I will play it much at all though.

Top Spin at first interested me even less at first, but I decided since it was free I didn't have anything to lose and gave it a shot. A friend stopped by at the time and wanted to play a match so we set one up. After seeing that the game was actually pretty decent, we decided to play doubles against the comp.

After having a blast learnin the controls and whatnot, we called up 2 other fellas and had one of the most fun 4 player experiences I've ever encountered with "Darling" my Xbox. Since then about every week we've had some sort of doubles match, and I can't complain one bit.

Now for my next collection purchase.. perhaps a Dreamcast?

God of War

I just pre-ordered the game today, I wanted that demo. And I must say I'm glad I did, here are my initial impressions.

-Graphics- The graphics look amazingly good, I was worried at first. I was overjoyed to see that the demo had a widescreen mode: that makes it look so much better on my t.v. since I have an enhanced mode. There seemed to be some bland textures here and there, but it gave the game a solid clean look, and I'm sure helped with frames (which seemed very fluid.)

-Sound- Heh heh, the soundtrack is just absolutely gorgeous. Very epic feel and enhanced the atmosphere greatly. Sound effects and whatnot complimented the experience. I was also pleased to find that the voice acting was believable as well, although there wasn't too much in the demo, what was there did not disappoint at all.

-Gameplay- Rock Solid. Combos were easy and fun and that is just the surface, I can't wait to see what new abilities the final game will have. Some mini-game aspects were also quite enjoyable, and animated beautifully. There were a couple puzzle elements that were pretty seamlessly added into the level. The short bit of platforming controlled very well, another thing that can be a huge drag if not done right.

I grinned practically the whole time I played this fantastic little appetizer. March 22nd can't come soon enough.

Collector's Items

Alright, lately I have been buying games as much as possible. Not to play right away but to keep in my collection until I have time to play them. I'm not sure what it is, but just knowing that I have them right there ready and waiting, and builiding up my collection at the same time just feels special.

One thing I'm worried about is all of these older games disappearing though. I just got my ps2 recently and the system has been out for a while. A lot of the games are out of print, and I want to snatch them up before they cost 100 bucks used like Rez. Luckily in my area most of the games are still around and I can find multiple copies at one of the many retailers around. I just want them safe and secure in my room.

The truth is I can't wait for some of these games to come out, but I haven't bought some from the fall blitz last year still. Summer is the time I'm truly waiting for when I can run through games like noboby's business, and have the money to buy new ones.

This is the life.


I just completed ICO, and I am speechless. That is definately one of the best games I have played in a long long time, and one of my all-time favorites now. Good Form.


I finally purchased my new PS2 slim. I must say I am stoked. I've been playin ICO on it, and I'm going to continue.

That's it, all Three accounted for. Man I'm doomed (sure has taken me long enough though.)

Evil in the Midst

Goodness, I fell in love with the Resident Evil series after playing the REmake for the cube. I must say though that the 4th installment has blown me away. The game is just amazing, I can't wait to get sucked in.

I beat BG&E and I realized how much I enjoyed that game. Good action/adventures are hard to come by, but ultimately it made me yearn for another Zelda. I found that slightly hard to swallow. I mean the game is/was incredible. It was unique, interesting, fun.. and short. My guess is that it's that last bit that made me yearn for the next Z title. When a game is shorter than desired I can't help but be disappointed. Which is hard to do, cause I'll always want to keep playing a game if it's good. When should the adventure stop?

More than that though, why do I keep wanting another game in a franchise who's basic formula never really changes. The only thing I can come up with is this: the formula works. However when it's all said and done Beyond Good and Evil did more than enough to give me one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences I've had in a while and the more I think about it the more I really like the style of the game. It was different and for that I think it should be commended.

Added some more games to the console collection, which is growing faster than I expected. Lookin forward to owning all 3 of the systems and Collecting as many games as possible.

Gaming is good.


Well I have decided that I will purchase a new slim PS2 at the earliest possible moment, but due to lack of funds that could be a while still. It came down to the fact that there are enjoyable games to be played on a system that I don't own, for someone who loves games as much as I do that just doesn't fly.

I have also decided that I am in love with Ninja Gaiden. It's been a long time since a game has challenged me as much as this one. At the same time it manages to keep the fun level at an extreme level with all sorts of moves and combos and upgradable weapons. Good form.

Too many

Well it's been a bit of an overload lately. First, new releases this fall have just been insane, but before I may fully indulge in those I have a hefty amount of games in my possession that I must finish. I've been madly hacking away at some of these titles and have barely made a dent, as you may see by my now playing list.

I have also caught the PSP bug. I mean that thing looks so freakin sleek. And there is a slew of RPG titles slated for it, for some reason I'm a sucker for handheld RPGs. At the moment it looks like i will be purchasing one of those sony bad boys, but most likely not at launch.

Speaking of Sony, I've been debating on whether or not I should pick up one of the new PS2s. I'm somewhat of a collector of video games and systems, but I haven't gotten the PS2 yet. I'm thinkin yes, but do I want the classic model? hmmmm...


Well goodness, I have been gaming to the max lately.

Currently It's REmake that's takin up all my time. The game is pretty old, and I've had it for quite a while, but the atmosphere is just ridiculous. I just switched over to the 2nd disc, and I'm having a blast.

My poor PC has only been getting short bursts of play with HL2 and CS:S. Hopefully that will change when some expansions are released for some of these next gen titles.

That's all I got.