Recently I've decided to spread the nerd funds to more than just video games.. by spending on video game related figures...
Not a lot mind you because frankly the reason I never really purchased figures before was for the simple fact that I'd rather spend that money on games instead.
However, with the recent inclusion of the Big Daddy figure in the Collector's Edition of Bioshock I've decided that I want in.
Before last week the only video game related figures I owned were the Big Daddy and the Lost Planet pre-order bonus vital suit figure that I recieved from my good friend that works at Gamestop. (Who also, I failed to mention, hooked me up with the BioShock goodie package that the GS managers received.)
Yeah Boy!
These items were all free of charge so to speak, but I actually took the plunge and actually purchased some figures of my own.
The very first figure that I've actually spent money on is the Crimson Head zombie from Resident Evil by NECA.
It also came with a Cerberus which can be seen in the humble beginnings of my current figure collection.
This display is of course tentative, because the Crimson Head is rather tall compared to the Big Daddy, and I'm not quite sure how I feel about that at the moment.
If I do say so myself, the new additions look totally rad and I have no regrets on the transfer of funds that took place to acquire them. In fact, on the way I have a couple Kratos's, some Warcraft and more Resident Evil junk.
My goal is to display them in such a way that other people will realize my nerdiness. Perhaps this is best done at the place of employment. I haven't quite decided yet.
Other than wasting more money on plastic, I've been playing a lot of the CoD4 beta--and I'm afraid I do mean a lot. The in game tracker states I have spent around 20 hours answering the Call of Duty for the 4th time. Yikes. If you don't have a beta key yet, try to snag one of Gamespot's and then we can play together!
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