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So I finally achieved a perfect game in bowling. I should have probably accomplished this sooner or have done it multiple times with the amount I've been playing recently. Oh well, I can now cross it off the list.

Speaking of which, I don't know why I didn't list this in the "goals blog" I did the other day. Looking back on it, that list isn't very good. I actually have a bunch of small stuff that I want to get done - like getting all pro status in Wii Sports.

I've beat the next two Bosses in Okami. I haven't taken the time to capture them yet because I'm too into the game right now. I don't really want to take the time to get the fights down and record them at the moment. I want to rid Nippon of Evil!

I have to say, this game is without a doubt my personal Game of the Year. A couple of my friends keep telling me that it's only because I haven't played Zelda yet, but at this point in time, I'm OK with that. I'm sure Twilight Princess is a fantastic game, but right now it's all about Ammy and Issun.

I also received my very own copy of Beggar Prince today. Aaron Thomas recently posted his first experiences with the game (45 minutes of it, I think.) I have to admit, this game excites me.

The production values of the packaging is refreshing and definitely something that most publishers pass up these days, and for some reason, I just find it extremely cool to buy a recently released Genesis game.

 I'm hoping that other developers will decide to jump on board with this retro-console game plan with Super Fighter Team. I think the Virtual Console would be a perfect place to distribute things like that. Here's to hoping something comes of it...


So I actually bowled two more perfect games today. Managed to capture one, so here she be.

Over and Done With

I'm officially done for the semester. Had my last final today and I'm finally free of my educational burden - at least for a month.

What do I plan to do with my time? Well a couple of you have made achievement lists for yourselves. I think this is a brilliant idea and decided to make one of my own.

1. Finish Okami. I'm 35 hours in at the moment and I'd say I still have a decent amount left to do. Hopefully I'll have a couple boss fights to upload starting this weekend.

2. Reduce the backlog. I know, this one seems impossible, but I have a plan. It might seem counterintuitive, but instead of focusing on the games that I have started but yet to beat, I'm going to begin with games that I haven't even started yet. High profile titles like Portrait of Ruin, Psychonauts and Zelda:TP make the top 3. My goal here is to enjoy these games as much as possible since they will be fresh to me. Hopefully that will spark up the desire to finish the games I've stopped working on.

3. Film a new episode of NERD ALERT (or two). I have a few ideas for some vids that I've been too busy to do anything with. I now have a solid month of no school and two whole weeks of no work to do something with those ideas.

Those are the current top 3 on the "To Do" list. There are a couple other non-gaming related things I have planned, but I won't bother with those here.

The basic idea this break is to game like crazy. I always go into the break hoping to do so, but most of the time I somehow fall short of expectations. Perhaps this list will help me in my quest?

Gamers United is now up to Episode 11. I'm very late in posting this but I've been having a lot of fun with it lately - I figure it's better late than never. Episode 12 will be going down this weekend, as well as a Year End special in the next few weeks. Intense.

Orochi Has Serpent Breath



I finally got around to recording this amazing 20 minute boss fight. Hopefully this was just what I needed to get back into Okami.

Bloody Tears of Joy

Today I gave myself an early Christmas present. I picked up Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin.

Of course I preordered. There was no way I was going to miss out on this extremely nice bonus package.

Includes a timeline, artbook, extendable stylus, game case that holds 2 DS carts, and my favourite, a compact disc full of Castlevania music.

I normally don't get overly excited for handheld games. There are only a select few titles that I will rush out to purchase as soon as they are released. The latest examples include: Phoenix Wright and of course the most recent, Castlevania. The series has faithfully remained it's own amazing form of 2-Dimensional bliss on the GBA and DS platforms. How could I deny myself it's latest incarnation when such a sweet bonus awaited me? I could not.

I haven't been giving my DS Lite the love it so rightly deserves lately. Thankfully that's about to change. I just wish I didn't have a backlog of tremendously high quality games in the queue. I still haven't progressed any in Okami, or even made it to the first dungeon in Zelda. I guess I just have a problem with playing too many big games like that at the same time. I'd rather devote all my time to just one, but then I need to be cautious that I don't overdue it and lose interest. I think it's healthy to mix it up a bit.

Who am I kidding though, what right do I have to whine about having too many good games to play. That's just plain silly. I need to suck it up and play the freaking things!

Star Wipes AND Heart Wipes?!

That's right folks, you'll find both in Episode 6. Unbelievable, I know - and most likely amazingly incoherent.


Seen inside: A little walkthrough of my capture setup. Basic swordplay in Zelda. Darma finds a home.

Playing With Power?

I made my first leap into next-gen (now current-gen) gaming on Wednesday and picked up a Wii.

I hadn't really planned on getting one of these systems at launch at all, but after playing the thing extensively at a friend's house I decided to take the plunge.

I've had to improvise with the placing of the system until I can work out a more permanent resting spot for "Darma."

I only picked up two games for it, one of which (Zelda), I haven't even opened yet. I know what some of you must be thinking, but I've decided I need to finish Okami first. That should give me enough time for my component cables to come in, and I can go ahead and start my epic quest to save the princess.

I've been playing Wii Sports though mostly. I've fallen in love with bowling and I'm in a race with Art (capin131) to bowl a perfect game. So far my highest is 238 and I'm having trouble topping it. If you want in on the mayhem just let me know! Also all you fellow Wii owners should send me your Wii Codes and then we can be friends and junk.

I captured a Fitness Test in which I scored a 23, so if you wanted to see what kind of crazy stuff they make you do, here's your chance!


16 Gigantic Megs of Compound Fractures!

That's right. The second Retro Revival Week comes to a close this evening. I only had the opportunity to play a couple of games, but I really enjoyed them.

I had recently ordered this game to fill the void in my collection. I have to say I was extremely impressed as to how well this game has aged over the years. The music is spectacular, and the amount of fun I had just punching dudes is a testemant to how classic this game is. I find the general simplicity of the beat 'em up genre to be the factor that makes them so much fun. Fun Factor - why isn't this factored into more reviews? There are tons of games that may not be the most advanced or have the best graphics, but are just insanely fun. I think Streets of Rage and many of the older games had this (or more recent games like Earth Defense Force.) Something that has been lost when trying to complicate things with gameplay "improvements" and graphical advancements.

I hadn't really heard about this game growing up. After mentioning Tiger Heli to a couple of my friends though they recommended this game. I don't quite have a good impression of the game yet, but there seems to be two parts to the gameplay.

The vertical shooter part:

And an on foot part that reminds me of the Legend of Zelda. Now of course my first reaction, like many other shooter fans, is why are there on foot sections? I honestly can't say, but perhaps this was one of the first games to infuriate the vertical shooter fanatic by taking them out of the action and force them to wander some enormous labyrinth. I didn't get to play much of this second mode before I bit the dust, but I must say the shooting sections were pretty fantastic.

My addiction with BF2 still stands albeit without the patch. Which is unfortunate becuase that means I will not be able to play with anyone that I know online for a little while.

I picked up a Logitech Extreme 3d Pro for it even.

Flying jets and helicopters is a lot more fun with this, although choppers still offer a challenge and I haven't had a chance to try it out in combat just yet. I am really looking forward to it, and in fact I will probably do just that as soon as I'm done here.

Guitar Hero II in just 3 days. I hope to make an overdue episode of NERD ALERT for it. We'll see how it goes...



I can only think of one word that explains what's been happening with my new gaming addiction, Battlefield 2, and that is of course 'frustration.'

I got this game a while back and just got around to playing it last weekend. Things were going great, and I was really starting to get into it. I had just made the rank of lance corporal which allows me my first unlockable weapon, which I was going to use last night when playing with Trav and Tom.

Turns out the patch I installed a while back didn't take. So, I decide to patch it again. Failure. I get an error in the middle of patching and have to exit. "Alright I say, it was only a fluke." Try again, with success! Oh but how short lived my joy was. After I try and start a map I get not one but two errors while loading. I am forced to exit the program.

At this point I am beginning to be upset. "Why am I having problems with this process?" I ask myself. "It should be simple enough, right?"

I do some research and find out the errors I am getting are rather common, and apparently the problem requires a complete uninstall. I don't know about you folks out there, but I absolutely love uninstalling and reinstalling programs that have tons of settings and tweaks that get lost. That love is increased exponentially when the reason I have to do this is caused by a necessary patch.

So today, kicking and screaming, I force myself to tackle the completely undesirable task of reinstalling my game. Things go well, and thankfully with the support of some of my peers the process goes by quickly. Then comes the process of patching again. With fingers crossed I open the program and it patches correctly with no errors! "Off to the races!" I say to myself, and I start up the game.

I decide to attempt a single player map with the crazy default settings just to make sure things are working smoothly. No joy. This time while loading I don't get the pleasure of seeing an error message. Instead I have the opportunity to experience a full on lock up, to which I thank my machine generously. I let the system idle in this state for several minutes just to make sure she's not tricking me. "Again, perhaps this is a fluke." I think to myself. "After all machines aren't perfect."

I decide to give her another chance. To my dismay the problem is repeated and I'm afraid I'm back to square one.

Now, you're probably asking yourself, "What, jimb0, is the point to this horribly written and dreadfully boring story?" I'll tell you that I hate patches. I curse the day they were conceived. I must apologize in advance for the incoherent rant that is to follow.

The whole idea behind patches is to correct or improve something that has come up after a product is "completed." How does that philosophy of improvement turn into the bane of my gaming existence?

This is not to say I think improving gameplay balancing and removing bugs is a bad thing - not in the least. However, as clearly documented by my current situation, the cause of my problems is the patch. This wouldn't be the first time either. How many patches, and the rarer and even more extremely ridiculous patch to fix a patch, have their been? I mean it's never ending, but in my opinion one time is too many.

Because of patches, is it now an acceptable excuse to ship a product early in order to get it out the door, only to release a mammoth update soon after? Most recently exemplified by the wonderfully buggy launch of Dark Messiah. How is it that stuff like this is allowed to happen?

Now, surely there are some benefits of having a patch system. The first and foremost being that a buggy product does get fixed, (if it works correctly that is.) Or in the case of World of Warcraft where the patches come in the form of 'updates' in which the users get actual content (that I don't mind saying actually works.) Maybe the companies are to blame? Does Blizzard have their act together while Dice and EA are only in it for monetary reasons (did I mention that my patch didn't work?) Maybe that argument is best left for another time...

The fact that remains after my heated typing fit you just suffered through, is that I had hoped installing an official "fix" to a game that I had no problems with whatsoever and was really enjoying in order to join some of my online buddies in fact prevented me from doing so and coincidentally playing the game period. That is in my humble opinion bad business. With that said though, I do have to admit I believe patches are a necessary evil that I will have to put up with, and I doubt this will be my last harmful run in with one. *shudders*

Maybe all of this PC trouble is a signal to return to my roots once again. That's right, apparently there is another Retro Revival Week scheduled for next week.

I am once again very excited about the prospect and will definitely be participating, although probably not in the same capacity as the first one.

I don't think I'll be able to adhere to the retro-exclusive rule. I'm smack dab in the middle of Okami and there's no way I'm going to put that gorgeous game down for an entire week. I also have a Guitar Hero competition to attend and I will most likely need to practice for that. I've never actually competed in any formal gaming event, and I'm actually pretty interested in how the whole thing goes down.

I'll still have some stuff to blog about as I have a few older games on their way to the pad, and I'll be trying them out and taking pictures and all of that for sure. Until then...

The Furball is Psyched

I've been playing Okami. A lot. I'm just under 20 hours now, and I don't see myself letting up anytime soon. I'm absolutely in love with this game. It definitely has the potential to make my personal "Game of the Year." Of course it's too early to say for sure yet, cause there sure are some highly anticipated titles coming out in the next few months, and I haven't completed the game yet. It's going to be tough to knock it off the top though, that's for sure.


I just took out this bad boy here, Crimson Helm. I thought he was awesome; he looked pretty rad and these Celestial Brush techniques are getting cooler and cooler. The fight was a rather short one though as I had to share it with another character. Still, the game is progressing nicely and hasn't failed to impress me yet.

Gamers United is still going strong as well. I feel like I'll get mugged if I post an update without mentioning it. :wink: We now have 3 episodes under our belt, or in the bag, or the can, or whatever it's called. It's still tons of fun, and I'm looking forward to doing more. Feedback is still appreciated, so I hope you guys can get a chance to listen.

I picked up a few games this weekend, but I haven't really had a chance to dive into any of them because of the White Wolf and the little "bug." God Hand was one of them, and after playing the first level I could tell I was going to like it. The game plays great, it's just plain fun. The music really stood out to me as well and I know this one is going to have a cult following.

I have to let you all know that I have a goal to regain my Street Fighter "skills." I was decent at this game at one time in my life and I wish to be again. A friend came in town on Saturday and we played for about 4 hours straight. Played two first to 10 matches and I don't mind telling you I won both.

Now with that being said, I am in no way good at this game. It just so happens I was better than my friend this weekend. In all actuality he's probably better than me, as are several others I know. Neither of us have played in a while though, so I guess you could say those were warmup matches.

I can't really say what has caused this sudden desire to hone the 2D fighting chops. Maybe it's the fact that I've been without any retro bragging rights for so long. Fighters have always caught me as an exceptional way to compete against another person, and I just haven't done that in forever. Mabe I feel I'm overdue. I know it's probably going to be a difficult road, and I'm going to get my rear handed to me countless times. But who cares, it's time to fight - and to that I say, bring it on.