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jimboboklashaur Blog

It's about time.

My God of War PSP demo finally came in the mail. And of course right before a doctors appointment, and while my PSP is charging. Now I have to wait an hour or two before I can play. Just my luck. That's all for right now.

Damn again.

I'm pretty sure Raining Blood is the hardest song on the game. Yes, harder than Devil Went Down to Georgia. Yes harder than Dragonforce's song. It sucks and I hate life.


Well, it was sure a good effort. Opening day in the NBA and the BLAZERS only lost to the defending champ Spurs by 9. BY NINE. It was a valiant effort, and if tonight was any indication of this season for the Blazers, we will have a promising year, and maybe even a playoff birth..we'll have to see.

Once upon a time..

..I was good at Guitar Hero. That's right, I picked up Guitar Hero 3 today. Three words: I am rusty. I played for a few hours today so far, and the first track I tried was the Social Distortion song, and I tried on expert because that's what I always played before, and I failed, quite quickly at that. I then beat it on hard, BARELY, and then tried it on expert and finally beat it. I'm getting in the groove again, and it's about time. The boss battles I'm actually impressed with, and it's actually fun. Enough of this talking madness, I must play. Now.

Resistance Friends:

Join my team in the new Resistance tourney GS is holding. It's my first tourney, and I want to try and win it, so if you have Resistance let's get this started. :) Oh, and if your friends have it and you don't, let them know and have them get a hold of me, because I'm really excited for this.

Unthinkable acts:

I've had my PS3 for less than a week, or maybe a week on the dot, I'm not sure. Either way, very very short period of time owning the thing. I started out having Oblivion, Resistance, Ninja Gaiden, and Motorstorm. I figured that would hold me off for a while, which it did. Then I rented Lair, figured out I had to buy the game, but instead of having to fork over the cash my girlfriend bought it for me for our 11 month anniversary that was today, along with the PSP composite cables, which took me by surprise, and made me extremely happy. Plus I'm playing NBA 2K8 which I rented along with Lair when I rented it. Then today, While I was going in to get my preordered copy of Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations, I remembered I had Ratchet and Clank Future preordered as well, so since I had PW all the way paid off, I dropped another 40 for R&C. Haven't played it yet, but I'm very excited. AND To top it all off, I was leaving GS thinking "this is great and all, but I need sweet online multiplayer action," and then my eyes turned and met with Warhawk. I noticed a 40 dollar price tag as well and said to myself, "s*** you gotta buy that," so I picked that up as well. I was going to get the one with the bluetooth headset with it, but then I remembered when I bought my new cell phone it came with one, and decided to try using that one (it works thankfully), and so now I have 7 games, plus on Sunday I get to go to GS and pick up GH3, which I CAN'T WAIT FOR. I never thought I'd be left wanting even more games, but that's what GH will do to you. I have a busy busy month or two ahead of me.

Lair impressions.

So despite all the bad reviews and all the people saying horrible controls, blah blah blah, I decided I wanted to figure out for myself whether or not it was a good game. I can safely say after a few hours of playing, this game is amazing. I don't see anything wrong with the controls, you just have to have a little bit of touch with the controller and not flail it around and stuff like that. It's a gorgeous game by any means, and even better in HD, and it has a nice story so far, and it's a game that PS3 owners shouldn't miss out on. I only rented it but I plan on buying it extremely soon. I was going into EB tomorrow for the new Phoenix Wright, but if they have a used Lair and it's in my price range I'm considering picking up Phoenix Wright up later. Choices choices choices.

Day after impressions

I'm sure everyone is expecting me to say "oh wow I'm such a moron why did I trade in the Wii and 360 PS3 sux omg wtf bbq!1!!1one!" but that isn't the case so far. I'm having so much more fun than I ever did with my 360 or my Wii, and it's only gonna get better in the next month or two. Resistance is awesome, of course. Ninja Gaiden Sigma is surprisingly very fun. I didn't check out the older ones, and my friend Jeff that works at Gamestop told me I should check it out, and so I tried, and it's surprisingly a blast, and for once a CHALLENGING game crosses my path. Motorstorm is pretty damn fun too, and the game I've been playing the most, Oblivion, is ready to take up my life once again, just as it did on the 360 and Morrowind did on the original XBOX. Just to let everyone know, I'm not dumb because I didn't use that stuff, and I got something that's worth more to me in return for the stuff that meant nothing to me, and that won't change. I'm happy, and if you'll all excuse me now, I have some Oblivion to suck my soul into.

I went crazy today.

I woke up this morning and apparently said to myself, "dude, you want a PS3 today," and PS3 today was had. The only problem was I had no money, so I came up with this interesting conclusion: trade your old stuff in that you don't use anymore. I thought, "meh, I'll only get a little bit, so I might as well not get my hopes up." I decided I would pay Gamestop a call, and ask what I would get for all my stuff. I told him, "I want to get the used 60gb PS3 you have there, and I was wondering how much my systems would get me." I proceded to tell him that I was going to bring my X360, Wii, and PS2 in, and he followed up with "That'll get you about 400 alone, plus whatever games you decide to bring in." I won't lie; I was filled with instant glee. I packed up everything, grabbed my 20 or so X360 games, my 4 Wii games, my PS2, and proceeded to venture to Gamestop. I walked in with a backpack holding my Wii and my games, a plastic bag with my PS2 in it, and my X360 in its original box, just carrying it by hand. It took an hour, but with all the accessories for everything I had, my extra controllers, games, memory units, and all that stuff, my grand total came to a STAGGERING..... $877.60 Again, that was: $877.60 Glee filled my heart once again, along with a little shock too. I proceeded to get the memory card adapter, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Motorstorm, and the GOTY edition of Oblivion, along with my gorgeous PS3, and then proceeded to preorder the following games: Call of Duty 4 Rock Band bundle Ratchet and Clank Guitar Hero 3 (with the guitar, and I paid all of it off right away) Finally, Assassins Creed. I am proud to say that I walked happily out of my local Gamestop today. Today was an adventure; one I will not likely soon forget. I am completely happy with my "purchase," and I wouldn't take it back if I could. People may call me stupid for that one, but you're not the one playing it, I am, and as long as I know what I'm doing, I'll be plenty happy. I am plenty happy, and I will have months of happy gaming ahead of me with everything I got today.
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