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jimboboklashaur Blog

Third time's a charm...I hope.

So this is my third time getting to level 21, and I plan on not screwing this one up. I was modded twice in the past few months, both of them knocking my status as level 21 back to level 20. My first mod way back when has slowed my leveling by probably 30 fold, and I don't plan on making it any slower. I've been away for a while, other than random forum posts, because I've had my PSP glued to my hands for the past week with all the great games I got for it. I recently added the first Syphon Filter to my collection because I hadn't played the full game and it's super cheap now since the new one came out, so I figured now's the time. With that, Final Fantasy Tactics, NBA Live 08 and Jeanne D'Arc, I've been quite busy with all my handheld gaming, not to mention Zelda on the DS. I also invested in God of War because even though I've played the game, I never managed to actually own it. I'm playing through again on that and it's a blast, and made me remember how fun it is, and therefore bumping up my anticipation levels for Chains of Olympus. So many good games coming out, I don't know what to do with myself. Anyway, Kratos is calling my name, and he wants me to do evil things..and I think I'm down.

Jeanne D'Arc..

Is a freakin' STEAL for $30. Go buy it IMMEDIATELY if you have a PSP. If you don't have a PSP go buy one IMMEDIATELY and buy Jeanne D'Arc with it. Now.

SURPRISE!!! Yeah, it's another Halo 3 blog.

I think by now they should have a catagory for Halo 3, geez. Anyway, let's cut to the chase. Halo 3 is a blast. I was expecting the same old thing, and I was expecting to hate it. While it's strangely the same old thing, it's strangely different, and this is good for me. I hated the first Halos, except Halo 2 multiplayer, and I can honestly say the Halo 3 campaign is a blast, (as is the multiplayer, of course), and I'm extremely happy with it. It hasn't turned me into a fanboy either, which is also a good thing. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more Halo to play.


Being banned is horrible. I had so much to say in those five days, yet I couldn't say them. Sad. Anyway that gave me loads of time to play Persona 3 and Blue Dragon and so I was happy about at least that. If you have a PS2 buy Persona 3. If you like RPG's buy Persona 3. If you don't like RPG's and don't have a PS2, go buy one and go buy Persona 3 because that game is amazing. Loads of people are gonna miss out on that game since it's not very popular, and that really sucks. Atlus has quite a gem there and I hope they keep making Persona games.


I just had a kind of splurge yesterday and bought myself a whole lot of games. Dead Rising, Persona 3 (which I've been wanting for AGES), Blue Dragon, and Stuntman Ignition are now all in my library of games. I should've spread them out because I have no idea what to play and for how long and then what to play after and for how long, and it's just very confusing. But I'm happy with all the games so far, especially Persona 3. Oh, and along with buying those I preordered skate. and Rock Band. I'm about to drop a LOT on games this year. And I thought yesterday was expensive. Oh well. That's what I get for making money and loving games.

Almost there

I'm so close to 21. Tomorrow I'll be there and that's super. I've beaten Bioshock twice now which I'm excited about because that's a supreme game. If you haven't gotten it already, go get it now. It's super good. I'm in the process of downloading the new Stuntman demo because I'm hoping the 360 will make that a good game. I'm also excited about the Silent Hill Origins demo I downloaded and am currently trying to put on my PSP. I can't wait for that game also. Anyway, more Oblivion to be played for the time being.


Gamespot actually gave a new game more than an 8.5! I never thought I'd live to see the day that Gamespot actually gave out another 9, well at least until Halo 3 anyway, because since they're Halo fan boys, Halo 3 is guaranteed a 10. Still, it's amazing that Bioshock actually got above an 8.5, because even though in my book it'll be a 10, I was expecting much less from them.

I'm blown away once again.

Bioshock demo. Hot damn that's gonna be a great game. I didn't even show interest in it until a few days ago, and now I'm obsessed with getting my hands on the collectors edition of this masterpiece. I think it's gonna be an EASY game of the year candidate, and probably even take home the gold. Everyone's complaining that there's no multiplayer, but honestly a game with such a replayable and amazing single player experience doesn't even NEED multiplayer. I also downloaded the Stranglehold demo and that game is a blast. I might have to pick that one up too, probably after a price drop though because it's fun, but it's not $60 fun. So out of all the great 360 games coming out really soon, I'm gonna need all the money I can get. There's Madden in a couple days, Bioshock, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Stranglehold (before or after price drop, I haven't decided), the list goes on, PLUS I wanna buy Condemned and Dead Rising because those are pretty cheap now and I need some good scares in Condemned and some hilarious zombie action with Dead Rising. And to think I hated my 360 until just a few days ago. Good thing I didn't sell it like I had planned, right?

What an experience.

I just beat The Darkness after having it for a couple days, and playing it for an hour or two here and there. If there's any game I'd want to extend the experience of, this was it. I loved this game and I'm sure I'll be playing it quite a bit more in the following weeks/months/years, because to me the story is just that good. Best story of a FPS I've come across.
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