What do you mean have we ever wondered how Scrooge can breath on the Moon? Brentalfloss made all kinds of money writting songs and producing compic strips asking that very question. When did a game having a narritive become a bad thing?
@Dredcrumb9 @jimdotbeep @LimeDudeZ @NikIvRu What I want is less gun toting "Action" movie charecters and stories and more Adventure stories and charecters that arn't afraid to use non-leathal force from time to time.
@LimeDudeZ @NikIvRu Yes soldiers going into battle killing everthing in sight at the will of the Industrial Military Complex. That must lend itself to deep story so well *Sarcasm*
Call of Duty is an uncreative clebration of War. They only reason they make so many of these things is because they are simple, easy, quick to make. Why would corperate people want to put in time and effort when they can make money with yet another carbon copy shooter. Gamespot has some gual giving Ducktales and Donkey Kong Country Returns a hard time and kissing Call of Duty ass in the same day. unlike FPS Classic Nintendo Franchises actually have acutually sequels that have elements prior installments didn't.
is it at all possible that Somebody other than Tom can review the Wii U and XBOX 360 versions of Ducktales Remasterd?
I didn't even play the original NES Ducktales I Just really like the show and comic and heard a lot of great things about the NES game. Wanting to play a platformer game featuring charecters I like that's actually good as opposed to yet another carbon copy First Person Shooter is not "undercuting" anything.
Has it occured to Tom that maybe the reason people still play mario games, sonic games, zelda games ect. is becuase unlike Halo or Call of Duty the charecters and experiences are memorable and fun? Has it occured to Tom that if he hates nostalgia so much mabey he has no buisness reviewing games?
defense for lines such as "not pony tales or cotton tales but DuckTales" Way to make it clear you hate the franchise this game is based on. BTW way the lyric is a pun you dolt. It uses wordplay to reinforce the show's emphais on anthropomorphic ducks over all the other anthropomorphic that exist in their world.
@porunga_namek I never saw any of those "Leaked" cutscense. I'd be more than happy to to have them still in the game for me and no doubt many others to enjoy.
jimdotbeep's comments