First, I want to tell you that I own the Wii U, PS4, and Xbone. The PS4 is no PS3 and the Xbone is definitely not an Xbox 360. Buying brand doesn't always work, just look at the Genesis to Saturn or SNES to N64. Between the two machines you mentioned in the OP, the PS4 has more local co op games, but that's because the PS4 just has more games in general. What is strange is the PS4 and Xbone are the same age, one week apart.
Here's some local co op games on PS4:
- Never Alone
- The Binding of Isaac
- Super Motherload
- OctoDad
- Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare has splitscreen for PS4,
- Guilty Gear Xrd,
- Injustice Ultimate Edition,
- Towerfall Ascension,
- Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate,
- Tiny Brains
- Super Mega Baseball
- How To Survive
- killallzombies
- In Space We Brawl
- Surgeon Simulator
- Resogun,
- MLB: The show,
- LittleBigPlanet 3,
- Trine 2,
- Mercenary Kings,
- Metal Slug 3
- Dead Nation Apocalypse Edition
- Helldivers
- Borderlands Handsome,
- Lego Batman 3,
- Lego Marvel,
- Lego Hobbit,
- Lego Movie
- Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires
- Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends
- Cel Damage
- Skylanders
- Awesomenauts Assemble
- Disney Infinity
- Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
- Call of Duty Ghosts
- Starwhal
- Broforce
- Resident Evil Rev 2
- Angry Birds Star Wars
- Castlestorm
- Child of Light
- Rayman Legends
- Geometry Wars 3
- Diablo 3
- Guacamelee Super Turbo Edition
- Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
- Knack
- Just Dance 2014
- Just Dance 2015
- Singstar
- Jamestown,
- Trials Fusion, etc
Here's a link of games out for both machines so you can just look through them:
260 PS4 games to 179 Xbone games (the divide is growing every month):
EDIT from the future:
This post was made six months ago. Since then the gap between Xbone and PS4 is now approaching 300 games!
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